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In the modern times we are all parts of a medicine as a science. It has offered cures for many discomforts of menopause in the women. Women may be saved of all the conditions and side-effects this stage of life may bring, just by hormone replacement. Artificial, synthetic hormones were supposed to do the trick and remove all of the symptoms of this unpleasant condition. However, this approach has been found to be unhealthy, by noone else but the creators of it themselves.

Namely, recently, due to possible dangers these hormones may cause to women, their benefit for one's organism has been put under a giant question mark. Additionally, five years, being the maximum recommended exposure to these medications, are clearly not enough since, for some women, this condition lasts far longer.

Having been lead to this medical dead-end, one must turn around and look for additional solutions. Homeopathy offers some of them and they may prove to be more thanworthwhile.

Pros Regarding Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy regards a human being as a whole. As such, in order to treat a certain condition, one needs to take care of him or herself as a whole since everything is connected in a circle of cause and effect. Such is the situation with menopausal symptoms as well. In order to relieve a woman from those, she must be relieved of all the factors which may be causing them, taking her history of hormonal activity during pregnancy, before and during menstrual and menopausal periods into consideration. Having this said, homeopathic medicine treats a woman as a whole, since many elements making her a whole may cause menopausal conditions such as hot flashes and many others.

Furthermore, homeopathic medicines, being completely safe and natural, may be combined with any hormonal therapy a woman may undergo, without any danger of side-effects caused by the combination of the two.

Finally, the relationship created between a homeopath and the woman patient may prove to be one of the main remedies. By getting to know each other better, the practitioner may find out about the medical and hormonal history of the woman as well as many other factors crucial for the choice of the correct and the most effective medication. This is extremely important, since, in most cases, hot flashes are not often the only symptom. Nausea, irritation and agitation, sweating as well as fatigue, drowsiness and many others form the menopausal circle of discomfort. Only by knowing all of these a homeopathy practitioner can be able to choose the right medication. This is what makes this doctor-patient relationship so valuable and effective.

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