Hives is a condition known amongmedical circles as urticaria. It mainly stands for the skin irritation,manifesting itself through redness and small swelling of a certain,usually smaller areas of the skin. The skin area under this conditionmay have many shapes. It may embody in a round or a map-like shape,or it can present itself through rings of this itch-causingirritation.
Whatever the manifestation may be,this condition is our body's hypersensitive reaction to certainfactors surrounding it.
Types of Hives
Depending on the length of one'sexposure to this condition, there are two types of hives. If one issuffering from this condition for less than six weeks, the conditionitself is called acute urticaria and is mainly caused by certaindrugs, types of food, pressure, cold etc. It may be even caused byinsect bites, sunlight or, perhaps, some other underlying conditionsone may have.
However, if one is suffering from hivesfor a period longer than the one mentioned above, then this state ofaffairs is classified as chronic urticaria, with the same causes buta much longer manifestation.
How Does One Get Urticaria and Why?
Quite simply, this condition takesplace when histamine is released from our skin cells. This chemicalcauses our small blood vessels to leak fluid, resulting in theirritation we call hives.
Many different factors may causeurticaria. It may be a certain type of food, external skin irritationby excessive rubbing, abrupt exposure to sweat, sun and hot or coldwater.
When we talk about foods which maytrigger hives, we must mention nuts, tomatoes, eggs, chocolate, fishand many others. All these have in common the fact that the risk isincreased if the food is eaten fresh rather than cooked.
What Else May Cause Hives?
We, most certainly, must mention drugsin this context. Namely, some of the substances that most of themedication one does not even need a prescription for may causeurticaria. Penicillin, Aspirin and diet supplements are just some ofthem.
In some cases, the reason is unknownand this is called idiopathic urticaria, most often bearing the mostserious cases of this condition, involving, severe irritation,breathing problems and many others.
Homeopathic Remedies and LifestyleChanges
Homeopathy suggests removing the causerather than the symptom. Since this condition is believed to beconnected with the lack of immunity and vitality, special homeopathicmedications are taken in order to restore balance to one's organismrather than cause problems somewhere else if removed only from theskin.
As far as possible prevention isconcerned, restraining yourself from all the causes mentioned above,such as excessive sun, cold or sweat causing activities. Avoidingcoffee, alcohol, and tobacco can also be a life-saving lifestylechange since natural life, as homeopathy suggests, is, mostcertainly, a healthy one.
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