As opposed to the usual medical approach to food allergies, homeopathy makes them disappear completely when treated properly. An allergy is recognized by hives and anaphylactic shock. Sometimes allergies can be lethal, and they involve the immune system.
Anthistamines and adrenaline injections are sometimes required for the treatment of symptoms of allergies such as rash, swelling, troubled breathing, and changed heart rate. A homeopathic approach strengthens the immune system and reduces the symptoms of severe reactions. Sometimes, food sensitivity and intolerance can be confused with allergic reactions. The symptoms of these conditions include gas, heartburn, bloating constipation, pain in the abdomen, and diarrhea. Rare cases of migraine and leg pain have also been reported.

These conditions do not involve the immune system and pose no serious risks. Homeopathy treats allergies as disturbances in one’s energetic system which keeps all the tissues and organs as well as the emotional and intellectual apparatus at their highest level of functioning. Stressful situations cause the energy system to induce symptoms of allergies and food intolerances.
Homeopathic Remedies
Food intolerance can be treated with nux vomica and carbo vegetabilis, but homeopathy delves into deep-acting remedies that treat the entire person and prevent the problems from reoccurring. The homeopathic approach also deals very efficiently with chronic headaches, fatigue, and insomnia that appear with other symptoms of food intolerance.
Avoiding the food that causes trouble is another important aspect of the whole treatment since it efficiently reduces bloating and other symptoms for some time. If one doesn’t indulge in a treatment that acts more deeply new food sensitivities will likely get developed. The goal of a homeopathic approach is to provide the patients with the ability to eat any kind of food.
Homeopathy treats patients with constitutional remedies that affect the person as a whole as opposed to the treatment of particular systems done by acute prescription remedies. It almost looks like a jigsaw puzzle, piecing together the symptoms and characteristics of the patient into a big picture. Homeopathy takes into consideration the personality of the patient, his family and medical history, and all the different aversions and desires.
- The Homeopathy system of medicine is based on the principle “Similia Similibus Curentur”. Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine and the selection of remedy is based on the theory of individualisation and symptom similarity. Homoeopathy goals are to build up specific immunity and general immunity against known allergens. The goal is not only to treat food allergy symptoms but also to dress its underlying cause and individual susceptibility.
- The medications have diverse powers when talks about original ailment conditions. For instance, if a patient complains of eating beans and peas, the specific symptoms will determine the medications that need to be prescribed as well as their dosage and frequency.
- Though it is mentioned urticaria from eating pork is relieved by Pulsatilla, in practice, it applies to fatty food in general. Similarly aggravation to milk is well tolerated by taking either Silicea or Natrum Carb according to the symptom similarity. Once the oysters cause symptoms, the homeopathic doctor generally recommends Carbo. veg./ Lycopodium. Puls gives good result to fruits and meat allergen.
Previous medications are taken, surgeries, and treatments may blur the whole picture that represents the patient, but should be no problem for a skilled and well-trained homeopath as he or she matches all the data to provide the patient with the correct constitutional remedy. Homeopathy deals with over 2,500 different remedies, and it is sometimes a difficult task to find the one that is the most appropriate.
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