Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathy has been known to help many people dealing withmany different diseases and disorders. Among these patients there are a lot ofpeople suffering from asthma.
If you are an asthma patient, you should know that anexperienced homeopathic practitioner may help you. Homeopathic remedies havebeen proven to affect the overall health and also to decrease likeliness of anasthma attack. As in any other disease you should follow a general rule: asthmaattacks associated with breathing problem, bluishness or paleness of the skin,weakness or unconsciousness should be taken care of by your doctor.
Common Homeopathic Asthma RemediesArsenicum album is usually needed by people feeling anxious,restless and tired. People suffering from asthma may feel worse when lying,especially at night and arsenicum is frequently recommended in these cases. Patientsoften feel better when they sit and warm up. Beside the breathing problems,these people can experience coughing with mucus, chilliness, heat in the headand burning pain in the chest.
Carbo vegetabilis is prescribed for asthma patients feeling weakand fainting. They might also experience hollow sensation in the chest,coughing, gagging and digestive problems. It is not rare to have cold hands orfeet and still want to be near the window to feel better. Problems tend to getworse at night, when the persons talk, eat or lie down. Burping and sitting upmay help these people feel a bit better.
Chamomilla is for people who cough after being exposed tomoving air or because of the excitement or anger. The cough usually becomesworse at night time and these people (both adults and children) may behypersensitive, agitated and irritable.
Patients suffering from coughing spasms and vomiting may beprescribed with Ipecacuanha remedy, especially in cases followed by chestheaviness of suffocation feelings. These patients may feel worse when beingwarm or moving. Excess sweat and nausea may also indicate the need for thisremedy.
Natrum sulphuricum is useful for asthma caused by damp ormold. Patients may feel very weak and the condition gets worse in the morningor during physical exertion.
Nux vomica may be helpful for people whose asthma is associatedwith overindulgence in food, sweets, alcohol or some stimulants. Patients needingnux vomica often feel worse when exposed to any kind of stress and they tend tosleep and warm themselves up to feel better.
Pulsatilla is a remedy used for asthma induced by rich food orwarm surrounding. Patients can cough with mucus and often gag or choke. Cool freshair usually helps and these people may also need a lot of attention andcomforting.
Spongia tosta is preferred when people experience hard or "barking"cough. Breathing is usually worsened during the night but something warm todrink, sitting up and leaning forward or tilting the head back may also help.
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