Asthmais a chronic disease that affects the lungs. Patients suffering from this illnesshave extremely sensitive airways that get easily inflamed and narrowed. Symptomsinclude chest tension, breathing problems and cough.
This condition might affect people of any age, but it usuallystarts in children. Genetic predisposition is quite common and people havingasthma usually suffer from allergies.
Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma
Asthma should be treated with some proper medical care. Homeopathymay improve overall health condition of a patient and decrease asthma symptoms.Any breathing difficulties, paleness of the skin or blue lips should indicatethe need for urgent medical assistance.
Arsenicum Album
Patients treated with arsenicum are usually anxious and tired. Theyexperience wheezing sound and cough, and sometimes chest pain and heat in thehead. These patients often feel very thirsty and chilly. Symptoms feel betterwhen person is warm, while sitting or standing, and worsen with lying down,especially at night.
Carbo Vegetabilis
This remedy is recommended to be used in people suffering fromasthma that experience weakness or fainting. Often, these people cough seriouslyand might even gag. Feet and hands of carbo vegetabilis patients are cold andthey need fresh air. Indigestive problems are also frequent, and a person mightfeel better after burping up. Symptoms worsen when eating, talking or justlying and are especially hard in the evening. Sometimes, sitting may help thesepatients to feel better.
Asthma patients suffering from severe cough are likely to betreated with this remedy. Cough starts on the fresh air, or after someemotional response, such as anger or excitement. It could start in the eveningand progress into the night. Both, children and adult suffering from this typeof cough, feel intensively agitated and irritated.
This is the remedy for coughing that cause vomiting, chesttightness and suffocation feeling. These patients sweat and experience nauseaoften. Movement and warmth make the symptoms even worse.
Natrium sulphuricum
When people experience asthma if exposed to damp and mold,homeopaths recommend natrium sulphuricum. Patients experience weakness, andbreathing gets harder in the morning and with some physical activity.
Nux vomica
Tensions in the chest and stomach pressure are treated with thisremedy. People who need nux vomica are usually easily irritated. Patients feelworse when eating spicy food, use alcohol or sweets, and even if they exerciseor engage in a mental activity. Sleeping in the warm makes symptoms bearable.
These patients cough, produce yellow mucus and experience choking.This remedy is used in children and in emotionally needy people. Warmth,overindulging in food in the evening worsens the cough. It gets better once theperson takes some fresh air.
Spongia tosta
Hard, barking cough indicates the need for spongia tosta. Usually,symptoms are worst at sleep. Patients might feel better if sitting up, leaningforward or tilting back the head.
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