A sore throat is mostly a temporary anda low risk condition. Most of the time it is caused by an easilytreatable underlying illness such as simple cold, flu or perhaps orsome smaller viral or bacterial infections. Being such, we are oftenrelieved of our sore throat after a period of few days. However, thesituation may be more serious than that depending on the illnessbehind this condition. Sexually transmitted infections such asgonorrhea may cause a chronic sore throat. Mononucleosis, or, widelyknown as “the kissing disease”, may also cause both persistentand longer lasting pain and irritation in our throat.
Outside factors such as smoke, cold,dry or polluted air or an injury add on to the list of things whichmay cause one's throat to be sore. Yelling may cause this condition. In some cases even heartburn isknown to provoke pain in our throat, because of the acid reflux wherethe stomach acids reach out even to our throat.
As far as remedies and medications areconcerned, antibiotics are known to be very helpful. Nevertheless,they should be taken only after being prescribed or recommended byyour doctor since antibiotics, if not correct the illness maycause more harm than good by killing off the wrong, good bacteria, orcausing unwanted or dangerous side-effects.
Various home remedies exist, and can bevery useful for doing away with one's sore throat.
Gargling with warm, salt water helpsreducing any infections or irritations inside one's throat and thusis a very good remedy. The salt you dissolve may be the regularkitchen one.
Providing yourself with a clean-airenvironment is an excellent step. Buy and use humidifiers in yourhome, or simply place shallow dishes filled with water around yourdwelling; these will keep the air humidity levels high and reduce therisk of throat irritation. Do not smoke or let other people smoke inyour house since it may be the main reason of your condition.
There are numerous throat medicationswhich can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. They can bein forms of pills, sprays, drops and many others. Sometimes a simplemedication such as Aspirin or ibuprofen might cure you completely.
The important thing is not to mixdifferent medications since you do not know what kind of an effect itmay cause. Additionally, dosage and the medication itself have to beright. For all these reasons it is best to ask for your doctor'sopinion before taking any risky drugs.
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