It is often said that baking soda is helpful and a recommended cure for urinary tract infection. It might be true, since some of the elements that baking soda possesses really can help, but before fully indulging yourself into home treatment and custom dosage of this substance you should consider consulting with you doctor first, or, at least, reading the following facts concerning baking soda.
The usual recipe involves taking one half-spoon of the baking soda dissolved in eight ounces of water. However, before doing this bear in mind that this approach works if you have sufficient vitamin C levels in your body. Otherwise, it can do more harm than help.
Baking soda balances our body's pH levels and, unless this is what we are after, and unless we know for sure that our levels do need balancing we should not jump into using this said-to-be remedy. It is called a soda, because it contains sodium, which gets into our body when we drink it, reacting with other elements present. Our body needs to have an adequate level of these chemicals in order to balance sodium with their levels. Any excess of the substance may be potentially dangerous and even cause kidney and liver problems, especially when children or pregnant women are concerned.
Subsequently, those people, along with people suffering from hypertension, should avoid using baking soda not just for healing the urinary tract infection but avoid its usage completely. This substance is also known to decrease the amount of certain vitamins and minerals that we have in our system and need them for functioning properly, especially vitamin B. So, people having insufficient levels of vitamins and minerals, as well as some acids, should not use this substance whatsoever.
Baking soda is also known to affect blood cell count and electrolytes in our blood and improper use can also cause numerous infections instead of treating the urinary tract's one.
The urge to frequently urinate, headaches and dizziness along with sudden mood changes are some of the signs of baking soda “overdose”. Additionally, all doses that exceed half-spoon a day are too much and are likely to cause all the above mentioned side-effects. Finally, baking soda should never be taken undissolved or on full stomach, after drinking and eating too much since it can cause extreme pain.
All in all, although baking soda is a known remedy, nothing should stop you from asking your doctor are you really going to gain anything when using it to mend your urinary tract infection or will your infection be the least of your problems after adding baking soda to it.
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