Urinary infection is an inflammation of any part of the urinary tract that occurs when microorganisms, usually bacteria from the digestive system, arrive through the urethra into the urinary tract, and begin to multiply. Bacteria can attack any part of the urinary tract: kidneys, urethra, urinary bladder, urinary tube. In most cases infection is caused by the bacterium Escherichia coli, which normally lives in the large intestine. In most cases, bacteria first begin growing in the urinary tube and often move to the urinary bladder, causing infection or cystitis bubbles. If the infection is not treated promptly, bacteria may travel through the urethra and infect the kidneys, which may become a serious disease that can lead to premature delivery in pregnant women and other complication.
Symptoms that indicate the occurrence of urinary tract infections can vary from slightly irritating to very painful. The most common symptoms are:
frequent urination, burning sensation and unpleasant feeling of pressure when urinating, painful urination of small amounts of urine, frequent and urgent uncontrolled need to urinate, need to urinate at night, changed color of urine, sometimes the presence of blood in the urine, unpleasant and strong smell of urine.Infection of the upper urinary tract that develops in the kidney, may have a very unpleasant symptoms such as:
lower or side back pain, pain on the side below the ribs, occasionally severe abdominal pain, high body temperature, hot red skin, sweating and vomiting, nausea, fatigue, painful urination, increased frequency of urination and blood in urine.If there is urinary tract infection it is necessary to treatment it with antibiotics to prevent serious health consequences and kidney damage. In addition to the official methods of treatment, the use of certain herbs may also be useful in treating these infections.
Cranberry juice has always been home remedy for urinary tract infections. It has an impact on the prevention of these infections, but only recently revealed why. Chemicals in cranberries alter E-collie bacteria that cause urinary tract infections. To develop urinary tract infection, E-collie bacteria attacks the cells in the body, whether renal or urinary tract cells. Most people consume cranberry in the form of juice. The amount of cranberry juice, needed to influence E-School bacteria, is very small - only one glass of unsweetened juice a day. Except in the form of juice, cranberry can be consumed in the form of cranberry extract tablets.
Uva Ursi
Uva ursi is a plant which is the most commonly prescribed for any urinary tract disease. Uva ursi contains the active component - arbutin which act like antiseptic in the kidneys. Since Uva ursi will not operate if the acidity of urine is less than pH7, when using Uva ursi tea vinegar, carbonated drinks and vitamin C should be avoided. Uva ursi shouldn’t be taken for longer than a week and not more frequently than 5 times a year. Children, pregnant and lactating women should not take Uva ursi. Large quantities of this tea can cause contractions in pregnant women. Some people with sensitive stomach may feel nausea and vomiting. Large doses can cause poor concentration. Outsized doses 10 times higher than recommended can cause vomiting, shortness of breath and fainting. There are high chances of liver damage if the dose exceeds for a longer time.
Apart from these, for the treatment of urinary tract infections can be used goldenseal, Marshmallow root, corn silk, horsetail and buchu. Also, homeopathic remedies such as Cantharis and Staphisagria can be of great help in eliminating these infections.
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