Urinary system is also called extractor system and it is comprised of two kidneys, two ureters, a bladder and urethra. When one of these parts is infected, it is referred as a urinary tract infection. The main cause for this occurrence is the bacteria Escherichia coli. Furthermore, poor personal hygiene and sex with many partners may also cause the execratory tract infections. Women, as well as elderly men, are a bit more prone to urinary tract infections. In most cases, the urethra and the bladder are infected and then the infection spreads to other parts through the bloodstream.
In males, urinary tract infections are classified as pyelonephritis and cystitis. This classification is made according to the place where the infections occur. Therefore, pyelonephritis is the upper urinary tract infection while cystitis is the lower urinary tract infection.
Symptoms of pyelonephritis
Pyelonephritis is a medical term for the kidney infection marked by the back flow of the urine from the bladder to the ureters. The main symptoms of this condition are back or flank pain, irregular severe pain in the abdomen, chills with shaking, and urination problems like blood in the urine, foul smelling urine and abnormal color of the urine. Furthermore, people who suffer from kidney infection may also have increased urge to urinate, especially at night, which is medically called nocturia. Painful urination, nausea, vomiting and confusion are also some of the symptoms of this condition. Other warning signs of pyelonephritis may include skin color change, high fever and fatigue.
Symptoms of cystitis
Cystitis is the medical term for the bladder infection that occurs due to the bacteria Escherichia coli, which resides in the intestine. When these bacteria are not ejected out from the body via urine, they tend to accumulate in the bladder or urethra causing infection. The most common symptoms of cystitis, which is more frequent in women than in men due to shorter urethra, are urination problems, such as cloudy urine color, painful and frequent urination, nocturia and bad odor of the urine.
Cystitis may also induce heaviness in the lower pelvic region, fever, flank pain, nausea and vomiting. Furthermore, fatigue and mental changes may also occur when this condition is in question. Rarely, pain in the penis and painful sexual intercourse may appear when one suffers from cystitis.
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