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Heartburn (or pyrosis, as doctors call the condition) is a disorder of the digestive tract. This condition is caused by the increase of stomach acid in the esophagus, causing burning in the chest and in the throat after meals. Human stomach normally produces acids to aid the digestion of taken food. Excessive stomach acid, however, is not helpful and it is found to be responsible for heartburn.

This condition is quite common among pregnant woman. They frequently experience heartburn and subsequently increased sensitivity of the stomach because of the pressure the growing fetus exerts on the digestive tract of a futuremom.

Prevent the Heartburn

Doctors have identified several foods as problematic for those experiencing heartburn, because they could trigger this unpleasant problem. These are fatty and spicy food, citrus fruits and chocolate, and people having heartburn problems should stay away from these foods, and avoid even meals which have these ingredients.

Caffeinated drinks and alcohol are also on the not-to-use list, along with OTC pain killers and other stimulant medications.

Eating more fiber will certainly help you prevent the heartburn. Additional recommended measures for heartburn patients are not to skip any meal throughout the day and to try eating every couple of hours. Since your body needs plenty of water, you should drink at least 8 to 10 glasses every day.

Upright posture right after the eating, or, even better, a short walk after the meal should stimulate your digestive system and prevent all signs and symptoms of heartburn. It is also advised to eat several hours (at least 2 or 3 hours) before bedtime and to use high pillow when sleeping, to elevate Head and shoulders.

Heartburn Home Treatments

Plenty of things you normally have in your home can be helpful for heartburn treatment. Baking soda is one of these remedies for this problem. Simply, take a teaspoon of baking soda and dissolve it in a glass of water. You could also try yellow mustard or a small amount of cider vinegar in a glass of water, with or without some added honey. Coconut water, and teas made from aniseed or caraway seeds can also be beneficial.

Eating apples, bananas, potatoes or even papaya is also recommended as useful remedy for heartburn sufferers. Take several almonds and eat them when you feel heartburn and your symptoms should be gone in no time. Broccoli is also said to resolve this problem.

Lemon strips, dipped in some salt are recommended to be eaten before the meals to prevent the heartburn. Even a mix made of some salt and sugar and chewing a bubblegum is said to help.

Catnip, fennel, basil and mint are just some of herbs which should ease this digestive problem.

Ginger root capsules are believed to have the same effect to your digesting system, relieving the heartburn.

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