Heartburn presents a constantly reappearing problem to many people. However, it can be suppressed successfully with some over-the-counter medications and a few eating arrangements as well as lifestyle changes.
Eating more often but in smaller portions is much better than eating once or twice a day but excessively. Adjust your meals to smaller but more frequent amounts since it is known to be and excellent way of stopping heartburn.
Avoid spicy and acidic food since they are known to trigger heartburn and do not lie to rest immediately after meal but rather wait for a few hours after eating. It goes without saying that snacks in the middle of the night or similar treats are not recommendedwhatsoever.
Since sleeping was mentioned, if you get heartburn over night, try raising the position of your head in the bed by using a foam wedge or anything harder than a pillow.
Being overweight is known to be a reason for this fit, so, if you are, tries to lose some of that weight and see if it helps.
There is a large variety of medications that are known to be very helpful when reducing or removing heartburn, and all most of them can be purchased in most pharmacies without aprescription.
One of these medications is antacids. These are a group of many different medications known to help with this problem. However, since there are many of them to choose, there are many risks to take before finding the right one. Since almost every medication is known to have side effects, the best thing, before you start using such medications, is to talk with your doctor about which would of those would suit you best.
Other group of drugs are stomach acid removers or, as they are also called, H2 blockers. However, they should not be taken for a period longer than two weeks.
If previous two types of medications fail to work with reducing or eliminating heartburn, proton pump inhibitors may be a solution. They are safe to use for a longer period and are not harmful for any of the organs. However, bear in mind that it may take up to five days of regular usage for any relief to appear.
Finally, although these medications are known to help, the best thing would be if a doctor suggested you one because that way you would be certain that this is the mostsuitable for the seriousness and persistence of your troubling heartburn.
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