Hip flexors are a whole group of skeletal muscles that act to flex the femur onto the lumbo-pelvic complex. As the name has already suggested, the hip flexors are important for hip flexibility. These muscles need to be loose and well lubricated in order to make it possible to lift the knee and bend at the waist. Stretching provides various benefits, but one of the major advantages of stretching is that it increases one’s flexibility. This means that well stretched muscles drastically decrease one’s risk of physical injuries. Hip flexor stretches can help to loosen this area. These exercises are especially good for people who sit by the computer too long, or people who spend a lot of time in the office. Their hip flexors are probably tightened up, building a lot of tension in the hip area and reducing one’s flexibility.
A simple stretch
One of the simplest stretches for hip flexors is performed by kneeling down with the back straight. The next thing is to step forward with the right foot, while keeping the left leg on the floor. Right knee is bent to 90 degrees and hands are positioned at the top of the thigh. Slide the back leg behind until starting to feel the stretch in the front hip. Hold the pose for 30 seconds and then change sides. If it is necessary, one can cushion the kneecap with a folded towel or a small pillow.
The V-up exercise
This stretch is also very effective since it does not only focus on hip flexors but also engage lower abdominal muscles and builds the upper body strength. The exercise is performed by lying flat on a mat and raising both hands and arms together, while keeping them as tight as possible. The lower back should remain straight to prevent injuries.
Yoga hip flexors stretch
One of the best hip stretches in yoga is known as the pigeon pose, or Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. The pose begins on all fours, from a basic push-up position. In the next step, the right leg should be pulled up, close to the back of the right hand. The foot is slowly and carefully angled to the left. The left leg should extend backward while the pelvic region sinks downward to the floor. The practitioner should strengthen the back as much as possible, open the chest and rise above the extended left leg. If necessary, one can support the body with hands and sink even further into the pose. Beginners can use a rolled blanket under the reclining leg to improve flexibility. Intermediate exercise involves stretching the arms overhead and placing palms together in a long stretch.
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