About Glute Muscles
Glutemuscles are the biggest muscle on the human body, and any anomaly regarding them can cause ill effects to the whole body and its movement. Eating healthy and performing correct exercise is critical to the strengthening process of any muscle, glutes included, and it is important to always warm your body before exercise. Doctor’s approval is essential before any exercise program is stgarted.
The buttocks, or glutes, are consisted of three sets of muscles: the gluteus maximus, the gluteus medius, and the gluteus minimus, and any one of them can be called glute. There are two, one on each side of your body. They affect the movement of your body, such as thigh and hip rotation, as well as abduction.
Glute Muscle exercises
Glute Muscle exercises are primarily stretch exercises that require a warm-up, and sometimes doctor’s approval. The exercises include:
Glute Stretch 1: While standing upright, you’re feet about a meter apart and your toes pointing up, step with your left foot to whatever distance deemed comfortable. Bend your left knee while keeping it in line with your toes. Place your hands on your knee if so desired. After a minute, return to original posture and repeat with your right leg.
Glute Stretch 2: With your back straight and extended legs, sit on the floor. Support your back with your arms by leaning behind. The legs should be forming a right angle at the knees. Lift the left leg and rest it on the right leg. After holding for a minute, return to original posture slowly, and perform all the steps on ‘seated glute stretch’ by switching the leg.
Glute Stretch 3: Stand erect, an inch away from a firm, 3 foot tall platform. After lifting your right leg and placing it on the platform, make sure your right knee is bent to the side. Stay in this posture for 30 seconds, and then return to original posture. There will be a stretching sensation in your tight, and if at any point you feel uncomfortable, return to original position.
Glute Stretch 4: Lay your body on a firm platform, 6 inches high. Be sure to position yourself so that you can place your left foot on the platform, with the left knee creating a right angle. Arms placed to your side, proceed to cross the left leg with the right. Return to original posture after holding for a minute, and repeat with alternating the legs. Perform to a count of 10 a day.
Glute Stretch 5: Your hamstring muscles are the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranous. They make up the back of your upper leg, and this exercise strengthens them. Lie on your back and bend your right leg. Your right arm should hold your left leg, behind the thigh, and your left should be behind the calf muscle. Slowly try to maintain your left leg as straight as you can. After pulling until you feel stretched, let the muscle relax, but stay in position for 20 to 25 seconds. Return to starting posture and then repeat while switching the leg.
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