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Gall bladder is located on the left side of your abdomen. The function of the gall bladder is to keep the digestive fluid called bile, which is produced by the liver. Gallstones or stones formed in the gallbladder may vary in size and have no noticeable symptoms. But sometimes gallstones grow bigger and block the duct where bile is leaking out, causing indigestion, inflammation, or stomach pain. In such cases, surgery is the only option for the removal of gallstones.


Causes of gallstones forming can be the presence of some types of diseases, such as inflammatory bowel diseases, sugar-rich diet, obesity, Crohn’s disease, multiple pregnancies, digestive tract disorders, and rapid weight loss. In cases when inflammation takes place, surgery is necessary.


Pain in the upper left abdomen is the most common symptom of gallbladder problems. In some cases, pain severe or moderate, can spread to the chest, and be mistakenly taken for a heart attack. Other symptoms of gallbladder disorders may be fever and chills, vomiting, nausea, belching, rapid weight loss, jaundice, bloating of the abdomen, or recurring intolerance to fatty food.

Herbal Remedies for Gallbladder Problems

There are various herbs that can be successfully used as remedies for gallbladder problems, but before using any of them, it would be best to consult with your doctor first, about the choice of herbal remedies for your particular gallbladder problem, and also about dosage and way of use. Here are some of those herbal remedies that can help you to overcome your problems with gallbladder:

Castor - Castor oil is for external use only; you can apply it over your gallbladder area on the stomach, and cover it with a plastic wrap. Leave it for half an hour, and you should repeat this procedure daily for a month.

Peppermint - You can use peppermint capsules to try to dissolve gallstones, or drink peppermint tea 3 times per day.

Anise - Seeds of Anise herb are an excellent remedy for removing the gallstones from your gallbladder.

Rosemary - You can take this herb either as an infusion or an extract, in order to boost your bile flow.

Celandine - You can combine Celandine tea with dandelion, artichoke, or turmeric in order to reduce the level of cholesterol in your bile, and thus prevent forming of gallstones.

Turmeric - This herb can be used as a remedy for reducing the risk of gallstones forming.

Alfalfa - This particular herb is very rich in nutrients and it is good for whole-body support. It can be found as tea, extract, capsules, or tablets.

Major risk factors for gallbladder disease include a sedentary lifestyle and a diet rich in refined sugars. In genetically prone individuals, these two factors lead to an abnormal bile composition, altered gut microflora, and hyperinsulinemia, with resulting gallstone formation.
  • Herbal medicine such as turmeric, oregon grape, bupleurum, and coin grass may reduce gallbladder inflammation and relieve liver congestion.
  • The active constituents of turmeric, namely curcumins and turmerin, have choleretic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory activities.
  • Berberine alkaloids isolated from Oregon grape have strong lipoxygenase-inhibitory and antioxidant properties. Lipoxygenase catalyzes the conversion of arachidonic acid to leukotriene A4. Leukotrienes are known mediators of allergic responses and inflammation and are preferentially excreted in the bile.
  • Bupleurum (Bupleurum chinense) is a well-known Chinese herb (‘Chai Hu’) with an affinity for the liver. Bupleurum root disperses liver energy, clears heat, and relieves congestion.
  • Elimination of offending foods, not necessarily 'fatty' foods, is often successful and recommended by many holistic physicians.
  • Regular aerobic exercise has a beneficial effect on hyperinsulinemia, which is often associated with gallbladder disease.
  • Dietary changes that lower plasma insulin levels, such as a change in dietary fats and substitution of unrefined carbohydrates for refined carbohydrates, may also be helpful.
  • Individuals with gallbladder disease may benefit from a variety of herbal compounds. Turmeric root (Curcumalonga) has a long history as a digestive aid and cholereticin Asian, Ayurvedic, and Western herbal medicines. In a clinical study in Thailand, turmeric root significantly reduced flatulent dyspepsia, a frequent symptom of gallbladder disease
✓ Fact confirmed: Alternative treatment of gallbladder disease Margaret M. Moga; February 2003

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