As the time passes, herbs are slowly becoming forgotten as a remedy. The great majority of people turned to pills, synthetic supplements and drugs. Off course, you shouldn't think that the intention of the writer of this article is to oppose drugs. The purpose of this article is to point to some natural ways to help your body. One of the benefits of using some kinds of herbs is their ability to increase breast milk production.
The most important herbs for nursing mothers to use, in order to increase the breast milk production are fenugreek and blessed thistle. They can be obtained in any pharmacy and majority of health stores. Their price should be acceptable, comparing it to all the benefits they bring to a mother and a baby.
One of the best and the most common galactogogue is fenugreek. A galactogogue can be defined as a substance that increases milk secretion. It has been used for centuries, since ancient Egypt and Greece. This herb is used by mothers who can't produce enough milk. Fenugreek helps by stimulating sweat glands. As your mammary glands are, basically, sweat glands, figuring this mechanism out shouldn't be too hard. Today, fenugreek is sold as a powder placed in capsules. Ordinary fenugreek dosage is 3 capsules 3 times per day. The best time to take these capsules is when both breasts are emptied. The results may vary from none at all to a great result, depending on various factors in your body.
Blessed Thistle
The mechanism of working of this plant is stimulating mammary gland. It is, alongside fenugreek, considered for one of the best herbs for increasing milk production. It is recommended that you take blessed thistle and fenugreek together, in order to maximize the result. Blessed thistle is sold as capsules or tincture. Depending on this fact, you take 3 capsules 3 times per day, or 20 drops for 3 times per one day.
Beside mentioned, there are some other herbs that can increase milk production. There are chamomile, fennel seed, alfalfa, goat's rue, shatavari and many others. They all have a mechanism of working and no side-effects.
Off course, there are some herbs that can stop the process, slow it down or in some other way, jeopardize your efforts to achieve the production of enough milk for breast-feeding. The plants below should be avoided if you have any problems with amount of produced milk, its quality or any other problem with breast-feeding and milk production, and they are Black cohosh, Aloe spp, Cascara sagrada, Cocoa and Buckthorn.
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