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One of the main uses of fenugreek tea is to increase the milk flow in nursing women. However, this beneficial tea can be used to treat other ailments as well, so it is recommended to learn about its benefits and preparation.

About fenugreek tea

Fenugreek tea is made from the seeds of the fenugreek plant, which belongs to the family Fabaceae. It is used as an herb and as a spice, both for culinary purposes (especially in curry) and medicinally.

Fenugreek originates from the Mediterranean and today it is cultivated worldwide, but its main production comes from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Morocco, Turkey, Egypt, France, Spain and China.

If used for medicinal purposes, which requires larger amounts of the seed compared to its usage as a spice, fenugreek can be a bit heavy because it smells like maple syrup, which is why many people prefer to take in form of capsules.

Fenugreek tea recipe

Fenugreek tea is very easy to make. It requires one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds per one cup of water. After the water boils, the seeds are crushed and soaked in it for no less than three hours. After that time, the liquid is strained to remove the seeds, which are discarded. The tea can be enjoyed hot or cold. It is believed that the longer the seeds are steeped, the more beneficial the tea will be. This, however, also adds to its strong flavor, which may be unpleasant to some.

Benefits of fenugreek tea

Fenugreek is considered to be a galactogogue, which means it increases the milk supply in women who breastfeed. It stimulates the growth of breast tissues and water retention, which results in enlarged breasts. It provides minerals and vitamins to the milk, which is very beneficial for the baby as well.

This tea is believed to be helpful for people who are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

Fenugreek tea can be used to treat problems related to the menstrual cycle and it is recommended for women who have hot flushes and other symptoms of menopause.

A disease called beriberi, caused by deficiency of thiamine, or vitamin B1, can be cured with this tea too.

The tea can induce labor in pregnant women and it can also help with both male and female infertility.

Fenugreek suppresses appetite, which makes it a good ally in weight loss programs, and it also controls the levels of cholesterol and blood sugar. It protects the kidneys and the liver, helps with gout, constipation, indigestion and muscle ache.

Taken in early stages of bronchitis, influenza and sinusitis, fenugreek tea promotes perspiration, elimination of toxins and reduces the fever.

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