You can find natural breast enhancement supplement pills on the market today, and one of them is the Breast Success. This product has a cocktail of herbs located on the FDA GRAS safe food list. Breast Success has 13 ingredients and one of the ingredients with the highest dose per capsule is fenugreek. The following lines will be dedicated to this herb and its effects in the enhancement of breasts and some other benefits.
This herb is also called Bird's Foot and Greek Hay See and it comes from the Mediterranean regions. Fenugreek can now be found in the United States, Northern Africa and India as well. The official name of this herb is Trigonella foenum-graecum and its seeds have some of the best benefits associated with medicine among herbs. The Breast Success pills have the extract of the fenugreek seeds. One of the myths coming from the Middle East is that women from those regions used fenugreek to get bustier breasts. This was mostly associated with women from the harems. Such benefits were dismissed at the beginning, but later on they were scientifically confirmed. Seeds from this herb can increase the healthy tissue of the breasts.
Modern medicine is starting to accept the effects of fenugreek and the compounds from this herb, like diosgenin and other phyto-estrogens, on the breast tissue. There is a lot of written material on the prevention of breast cancer and breast health, and many of them note phyto-nutrients from the fenugreek as able to increase the health and size of breasts.
However, the results can be visible only if you follow certain rules and steps. One of such steps is to use the seeds constantly. You cannot stop with taking the extract of the fenugreek seeds because you may experience decrease of breast fullness. The results will be visible, but they may be impaired to some extent if the fenugreek seed extract is not used regularly. Fenugreek can be used to enhance breasts, but it can also help with other problems, like low breast milk for nursing mothers. The fenugreek can increase the production of sweat needed for the breast milk and this will increase the milk supply. This herb can also be used for this purpose by mothers who are using a pump.
Fenugreek also has other ingredients and so it has a lot of potassium, niacin, vitamin C and proteins. There are problems that can be treated with fenugreek and some of them are diarrhea, reduction of cholesterol, constipation and symptoms of menopause. Diabetes can also be controlled with the help of fenugreek. As you can see, you too can have fuller and bustier breasts by using the fenugreek seed extract and no surgery is involved.
- Photo courtesy of giulio nepi by Flickr:
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