Breast milk is still considered as the best nutritional food for the infant. Studies have shown that over 15% of the women are faced with the problem of insufficient production of breast milk. The lack of milk is caused by mother’s inadequate nutrition, stress or the baby’s inability to properly suck. This problem is the reason of finding herbs that can help in stimulating lactation.
Herbs for Lactation Stimulation
Herbs that encourage lactation have gained this reputation through the centuries of use around the world. Swafford study in 2000 has shown that the fenugreek contains the active ingredient - saponin, which significantly increased production of breast milk in tested nursing women. Also, it is a rich source of essential fatty acids.Another plant which is used for lactation stimulation and increasing milk level is nettle that can be applied locally, or consumed in the form of a tea.
Galega officinalis is especially commonly used in Europe due to its ability to stimulate the breast milk flow.
Also, experts recommend the consumption of tea or a liquid tincture of the following plants: blessed thistle, anise, fennel, raspberry leaf and alfalfa.
Tea made of raspberry leaves is recommended in all stages of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. It is used for preventing fatigue and strengthening the body. This tea is also used for preventing anemia and bleeding and increasing milk levels in breast-feeding.
Hops is significant because of its sedative and estrogen effects on breast tissue, as well as barley which causes the release of prolactin and thereby stimulates the secretion of milk.
Teas for Easier Breastfeeding
Swollen breasts are a common problem for nursing mothers, which can be alleviated by placing the warm covers submerged in chamomile, calendula, lavender or comfrey tea.Yarrow, stickywilly and burdock are used for increasing lymphatic circulation and smooth white elm and Marshmallow root are excellent for drainage and infection easing. Mullein leaf reduces pain.
Breast tumescence is often accompanied by breast infection, high fever and symptoms similar to flu. This condition is called mastitis. To mitigate these problems it is recommended to place covers and make tea of yarrow and elder.
Red, painful and cracked nipples best treats by daubing balms that contain some of the following plants: olive, calendula, chamomile and white Marshmallow oil.
Once the mother decides to stop breastfeeding, it often happens that milk can ot be stopped. In this case it is recommended tea or product based on sage.
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