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Hair loss is definitely a rather stressful and discomforting problem, which people usually relate to men, but the truth is that it can affect women as well. Besides, it usually tends to occur all of a sudden, although there are also cases in which hair loss can be predicted.

Once a person is faced with the problem in question, he or she will probably be ready to do anything in order to stop further loss of hair and to regain the hair that is already lost. However, it is not always possible; what’s more, it is rarely possible no matter how expensive treatments a person undergoes.

And yes, the market is overcrowded with expensive products which are advertised as the best solution to this problem. The truth is a bit different because the greatest majority of such products cannot really help a person who has already lost hair. This is why it is highly recommended choosing those products that do not contain chemicals, but only natural ingredients.

Herbal hair loss products

Even though herbs are helpful in the treatment of a number of conditions and despite the fact that herbal products are always a better choice because they are natural, the truth is that there is no guarantee that even herbs and herbal remedies will always cure this problem successfully.

However, there are some that should definitely be tried out because of numerous recommendations of people with this problem who claim that the remedies in question help and give hope for successful treatment. Herbs that seem to be of the greatest significance are green tea, ginkgo biloba, saw palmetto and stinging nettle.

Stinging nettle has the power to prevent the conversion of testosterone into DHT, which is why it is frequently employed in the treatment of hair loss, while saw palmetto is well known for its ability to slow down the process of hair loss as well as for its ability to stimulate the growth of the new hair.

Ginkgo biloba is usually used in the form of extract and it makes the circulation of the blood to the brain and skin much better, which has positive effect in cases of people who suffer from hair loss.

Green tea is also recommended often because of the ingredient that it contains and that is called catechins. It is believed that this ingredient also prevents the conversion of testosterone into DHT, which has a positive effect on people who are diagnosed with male pattern baldness.

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