What Is Healthy for Older People
Healthy nutrition is important regardless your age. Balanceddiet is something everyone can benefit from, but there are certain principles andrequirements that have to be fulfilled when it comes to older adults. These areprecautionary measures, ensuring that elderly people get everything their bodyneeds and at the same time decrease the chances to develop diseases anddisorders related to aging. Amount of nutrients for the elderly and youngerpeople is different, because, due to the aging, older people need less energy(and therefore fewer nutrients) for normal everyday functioning.
Older people should eat plenty of food rich in fibers, butlow in fat. These might include: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fatsand oils, as well as proteins from the fish, eggs, meat and beans. Fat, sugarand some other food rich in calories should be used minimally, if at all byolder people.
Poor nutrition is known to be connected with poor overalland dental health. Many older patients might also experience loss or gain ofweight, caused by inadequate eating habits or use of some medications. Inabilityto take care of themselves, loneliness and economic inadequacy are alsoidentified as the causes of poor nutrition of elderly.
Essential Nutrients for Older People
Vitamins and minerals are something that everyone should beaware of, especially older people. Vitamins A, B12, C, D and E are very important,and elderly must provide adequate amounts of these every day.
Vitamin A is essential for healthy eyes and good vision, butalso for immune system and growth of many tissues in the body. Carrots, spinach,sweet potatoes and winter squash are excellent sources of this vitamin.
Vitamin B12 is necessary for healthy red blood cells, andthe lack of this vitamin can cause anemia. Liver is the best source of vitaminB12, but you can also find it in whole eggs, chicken, fish, pork, mutton orbeef meat, and in the milk and dairy products.
Vitamin C aids your body to absorb iron from the consumedfood. If there is not enough vitamin C your gums may start to bleed, and thewound healing may last for a long time. Citrus fruits, different berries,melons, tomatoes and green peppers are known as best sources of vitamin C.
Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones. It is synthesized withthe help of the sun and older people should spend about 20 minutes severaltimes per day to ensure proper amount of this vitamin for their body. Also,they may use supplements of vitamin D, and milk or cereals fortified with thisvitamin.
Vitamin E is antioxidant that protects human body. Sunflowerseeds, almonds, tomato sauce and peanut butter are known to provide plenty ofvitamin E.
Fibers are also very important for elderly, for they assistdigestive system to work properly. Older women are advised to take at least 21g offibers every day, while older men need more, about 30g per day. Minerals, suchas magnesium, calcium and potassium must also be present in adequate amounts inthe food older people take.
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