Fruitsand vegetables are considered the most health beneficial for us and our bodies,and we are suggested by numerous health experts and nutritionists that, in thecourse of the day, we are supposed to enrich our meals with at least 4-5servings of those mentioned above. But, since to many people this idea soundsawfully scary, for all those who find it a bit too much to include fruits andvegetables in their daily diets, one of the possible solutions is to mixyourself a smoothie, made of both types of food. This mixture can also becomplimented with some liquid.
Giventhe fact that smoothies are rich in vitamins and minerals, because of all thehealthy ingredients are comprised of are considered to be of primaryimportance to our health. Also, you can never really get “bored” with themsince there is a countless number of combinations that can be made. Thisdepends primarily on taste and nutritional needs of a person in question. One ofthe issues that is fairly common, is whether frozen fruits are less “rich” thanthe fresh ones. But there is no reason for concern, since frozen fruit is alsopretty rich in both vitamins and minerals. Though tastes depend upon theperson, certain fruit is more frequently used than some other. Let us now havea look at the best mixtures of these three fruits with other fruits. If we takethe blueberries for example, it is very important to know that they are mostpowerful natural antioxidants. Blueberries aid in preventing maculardegeneration of the eyes, urinary tract infections and slows down aging, andenergize brain functions. Strawberries are considered to be the most famous ofthe three. Main reason is that this fruit is extremely versatile in nature, andthus can be mixed with a number of other fruits. Their benefits span a widerange, including lowering of bad cholesterol and enhancing the levels of goodcholesterol. They are also extremely beneficial for the heart and provide agood regulation of the blood pressure.
Laston the list, but not the least, are bananas. The healthiest mixtures are theones with nuts or peanut butter. The banana smoothie is packed with potassium,which aids in the process of maintaining our circulatory system fullyfunctional and healthy. It also provides essential help in stomach acidsregulation and improves digestion. With smoothies such as these, we will definitely provide our bodies with all the vitamins they need to functionproperly and be healthy, even when we reach the autumn of our lives.
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