Almost every person in the worldloves to eat strawberries. They are notonly extremely tasty and delicious, but they are very healthy as well. This fruitis red colored berry that can be found either as cultivated, or wild. We usuallyconsume those that are cultivated, and it is said that there are approximately 600 varieties ofstrawberries. They were first discovered by the Romans, but since the fall ofthis empire, they were forgotten. They were found again in the Europeancontinent and since then their popularity grows. Strawberry is a plant from thefamily of roses and their seed is on the outside. Strawberries are used forpreparing different products such as yogurts, desserts, ice creams, and drinks.
Nutrition information onstrawberries
Strawberries contain substancesthat are essential for our proper functioning. The most important ingredientsare vitamins C, B, K and folate, which is a water soluble vitamin B.Strawberries are very rich in minerals like copper, potassium andmanganese. One of the main heath benefits of strawberries is that they are very famous for their vitamin C content. Of all these substances, strawberriescontain the highest concentration of vitamin C. Strawberries are healthywhether you eat them raw, or if you drink a juice that is made of them. However, when making astrawberry juice, dietary fibers will be destroyed, so you won’t take them in.
Heath benefits of strawberries
Strawberries are full ofantioxidants that are essential in fighting against free radicals. Also,antioxidants are very effective in repairing tissues that are damaged. Studiesshowed that eating strawberries on a regular basis can drastically reducechances for developing cancer. They are also very beneficial for heartfunctioning. Potassium in the strawberries, along with the antioxidants, canprevent heart attacks and strokes. Strawberries also protect us fromAlzheimer’s disease due to folate in them. When consumed three times daily,they can prevent the occurrence of macular degeneration. You may find it hardto eat them in almost every meal, but it is not a problem at all.
Strawberries contain a lot ofvitamins, minerals and other healthy compounds that can solve many problems, among which are also those with the increased levels of cholesterol or glucose. They are also very good for maintaining ourcognitive and motor skills and due to this, they will help us to think moreclearly and feel much younger. They are also very beneficial for our gums.
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