Nutritionists and doctors suggest eating at least 5 servings offruit and vegetables a day, and this particularly refers to vegetables. But,this is not the case in the majority of our population, since the greatmajority thinks that eating one fruit or vegetable can satisfy our daily needfor vitamins. Don’t fool yourself that supplements can replace the way in whichnaturally grown fruit and vegetable can contribute to our health.
One serving is actually the same as a cup of raw fruits andvegetables, or half a cup of cooked fruit and vegetables. In order to protectfrom cancer one would have to eat 8-13 servings every day. Fruits andvegetables are very important for our immune system. Vegetables are filled withantioxidants, minerals and photochemical, and when combined with fruit, theymake our immune system stronger. It is a fact that no supplement can replacefruit and vegetables, because every color in them plays an important role inmaking our immune system stronger and readier to fight against all kinds ofdiseases. If you eat more fruit and vegetable of different colors every day,you have more chances to take in a variety of photochemical. In nature, thereare about 12,000 photochemical, and supplements have only a small number ofthem.
In this text, we will give you information what fruit andvegetable is good for what kind of protection.
Green foods are good for circulation, and the main reason for thatis that they contain minerals and B-complex vitamins. Photochemical likesulforaphane and in dole are anti-cancer compounds. Green foods are broccoli,kale, leaf and romaine lettuce, spinach, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. Redfoods are good for reducing the damage of free radicals which can harm yourbody because they are unstable and reactive. They can especially do well forprostate problems, or if you had spent too much time on the sun, red fruit andvegetables can regenerate your skin. Those foods are tomatoes, watermelon, andred cabbage. You can all assume that orange foods are carrots, pumpkin, squash,and apricots. They have carotenoids that repair DNA and prevent cancer in thatway, and they provide us with vitamin A, thus preventing the development ofosteoporosis. Combination of green and yellow (yellow corn, green peas, collardgreens, avocado and honeydew melon) contain carotenoids, lutein and zeaxantin,which is good for decreasing the risk of developing cataracts and musculardeterioration. Orange/yellow foods (oranges, pineapple, peaches, papaya, andnectarines) are beneficial in improving of the mucus membranes and tissue thathas the purpose to bind together and support other tissues and organs(connective tissue). Mucus membranes are important, because their secretionprotects and moistens them. It also improves circulation and preventsinflammation. Foods of red, blue, and purple color are good because ofantioxidants and they protect heart.
When you prepare a salad next time, pay attention to the colorssince it is important that you salad has at least four colors. This is how youcan help your body to satisfy all the need for vitamins and minerals.
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