As we already know, fruits andvegetables are rich in nutrients, which cannot be found in vitamins and mineralsupplements, and, according to the official estimates, every one of us shouldeat at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables on a daily basis. The dosage isas follows – 1 serving equal’s one cup of raw fruits or vegetables, or if ½ cupcooked. For those who suffer from chronic illnesses, fruits and vegetablesare of utmost importance. Furthermore, it is vital to get them in as manycolors as possible. This way you will get all the most beneficial plantchemicals (med. photochemical) as a part of your regular every day diet.According to the numerous researches, which have been done up until the presentday, eating whole fruits and vegetables provides you with even greater quantityof nutrients than those found in vitamins and mineral supplements?
The significance of the colors isrelated to the fact that different ones actually aid our immune system in itsevery day struggle with stress. This is the reason why we should pay evencloser attention to the colors present in our diet. If it includes each of theexisting colors, then you are on the safe side. Foods from the group ofgreen foods (broccoli, leaf and romaine lettuce, spinach, cabbage, sprouts) aregood for the circulation and are rich in minerals and B-complex vitamins. Foodsfrom the group of red foods, such as tomatoes, watermelon and red cabbage arerich in photochemical, function as a reducer of the free radical damage, andare especially helpful in prevention of prostate problems. Orange foods(carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, and apricots) have arytenoids inabundance and help in prevention of cancer by repairing our DNA. Also, as wehave been taught from the early childhood years, foods from this group are goodfor eyes and night vision, as well as providing help in getting all the vitaminA our body needs. There are several more groups and they are practically thecombinations of colors.
Green/Yellow Foods (peas, corn,avocado, honeydew melon, collard greens) are rich in arytenoids, lute in andzeaxanthin, and help in reducing the risk of cataracts and maculardegeneration.
Orange/Yellow Foods (pineapple,oranges, peaches, papaya, nectarines, and tangerines) are the richest inantioxidants and vitamin C, and help in improving the overall health ofconnective tissue.
White/Green Foods (garlic,onions, celery, chives, and pears) is a particular combination, rich in photochemicaland can be a substitute for an antibiotic.
Red/Blue/Purple Foods(blueberries, beets, red apples, strawberries, cranberries, prunes, blackberries,concord grapes) are abounding in powerful antioxidants which ameliorate aging the heart disease by improving circulation and preventing blood clots.
What is recommended by healthorganizations, and what you should strive for, is that in the meal time youhave on your plate at least 5 colors.
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