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One should know that sleep is essential for the functioning of our organism throughout the day. It is an important fuel of the energy that we need for everyday obligations and duties. We must be attentive and well concentrated during the day, and sleep is in part responsible for it. We know that when we do not sleep during the night, we cannot function during the next day.

Many people wonder how many hours of sleep are necessary. Of course, it is different from person to person. However, it is not important how long we sleep, but how we sleep. The good quality of sleep is very important since the sleep is a great source of energy. Many professionals confirm that a body needs about seven to eight hours of sleep in order to be full of energy throughout the day. However, it is also possible to sleep even less than seven hours and feel healthy and tireless during the day.

Good sleep to boost energy

Healthy lifestyle, healthy diet and good sleep are responsible for the state of being full of energy. If we want to sleep well, it is recommended to sleep in a quiet and cozy room. Furthermore, the bed we are sleeping in should be comfortable in order to relax us. The fresh air may also improve our sleep. Furthermore, there are certain foods that can helps us to get asleep very easily, such as dairy products, bread, bananas, nuts and honey. The production of melatonin, serotonin and insulin is triggered by these foods.

Furthermore, it is recommended to take five small meals during a day and avoid large meals since the large meals slow down the metabolism and most calories cannot be burned. It is also recommended to do something relaxing before going to bed, such as taking a bath or reading a book. The watching of television should be avoided before the sleep time. The people with certain sleeping problems are usually under sleep optimization programs. However, stimulants should not be used before going to bed at night.

Healthy lifestyle is also very important. Every day we can wake up five minutes earlier and every day we can take a powerful 15 to 20 minutes catnap during the day. These power naps can boost our energy. What's more, regular exercises are also very important to stay healthy. It is proven that walking 15 minutes before the bed time, or practicing yoga before sleep can improve our sleep.

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