Many people do not want to sleep in order to do many interesting things and because they have too busy schedules, but they do not understand the importance of a good quality sleep since it makes a great impact on our general health and lifestyle. Too much sleeping has similar effects as the lack of sleeping, so it is recommended to sleep at least 6 hours and maximum 8 hours a day. A good night sleep boosts our immune system and thus prevents the body from developing many health problems. Furthermore, it enhances our memory and improves our mood.
Sleep deprivation and effects of insomnia
Every one of us has experienced long nights when we just could not get asleep, while turning and tossing in our bed, but we all knew that it is due to some problems, worrying, stress, indigestion or because we consumed too much coffee or alcohol. And while it is normal for such a problem to occur occasionally, when one cannot have a good sleep for a long time persistently, then it is a problem called insomnia.
Chronic insomnia usually does not have an apparent reason to occur and the people who experience it show the signs of decreased levels of body energy, as well as mood changes, since they become easily irritable. This further leads to the problems with the other people in their environment and it has as a consequence the aggravation of insomnia. Furthermore, chronic sleep deprivation does not only cause tiredness and mood swings, but it also makes a huge impact on the overall health, since thus the immunity is decreased and the body is more prone to develop some ailment.
Chronic fatigue, poor concentration and lack of mental alertness are also some of the consequences of insomnia, which may further cause some other problems like accidents on the road, for example.
Causes of chronic sleep deprivation
Chronic insomnia may be caused by numerous reasons, but is observed that in the majority of cases, the reasons are of psychiatric or psychological nature. Manic depression and schizophrenia, as well as chronic depression, may lead to the occurrence of chronic insomnia.Primary insomnia is insomnia appearance which is not induced by some other health problem and it is usually caused by overuse of certain drugs, alcohol, caffeine and nicotine, as well as by the hormonal fluctuations in women. Other possible causes for the incidence of chronic insomnia are stress and the presence of some medical condition.
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