The advantages of sleep were not cleared up by medicine until recently, but now the effects of a good night's sleep on the total vitality of the body are understood. Less then six or seven hours of sleep per night increases the risks of various maladies.
It is well known that the incidence of heart attacks and strokes is greater in early morning, which is connected with the inter-reaction of sleeping and blood vessels, because the fact that a small number of sleep hours has a bad influence on blood pressure and cholesterol. This can be prevented if one gets seven to nine hours of sleep every day.
People who work at night have a bigger possibility of developing breast and colon cancer. This is caused by a reduced level of melatonin due to a lack of exposure to light at night. Melatonin is a hormone which is cancer protective as melatonin has a decreasing effect on their growth and it also makes people sleepy so it is recommended to darken the room in which one sleeps at night.
When the body is deprived of sleep, soon the state of stress increases the blood pressure and the level of stress hormones is developed, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke. Stress hormones also worsen one's sleep so it is necessary to be able to relax before sleep.
Stress hormones elevate the inflammation in organisms, which increases the possibility of cancer, diabetes and heart attacks.
A good night's sleep gives one energy and stamina to work the next day, and it also elevates the possibilities for getting adequate sleep the next night.
Memoryconsolidation is a procedure which happens in one’s brain during sleep. As the body is resting, the brain goes through the occurrences of the past day and organizes the information given in the last couple of hours, making links between them, so sleep amends the memory.
People who spend less than seven hours in bed at night have a great chance of being overweight or obese, because a decreased number of hours of sleep can crash the normal levels of ghrelin and leptin, hormones that controls the appetite.
Day naps are found to be good for one’s concentration and it makes people more effective, it lowers the stress and betters the memory and cognitive functions.
Getting seven to nine hours of sleep every night will keep a sufficient level of serotonin in the organism. Low levels of the hormone serotonin can lead to depression.
During sleep, an organism repairs the injuries that affect it during the day.
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