You Can’t Sleep?
Good night sleep is extremely important for our well being. Sleepdeprivation may lead to constant tiredness, concentration issues, irritabilityand many other problems.
Healthy adult person needs about 8 hours of sleep everynight, in order to be able to function properly. Teenagers need more time inbed, around 9 hours, while babies may spend up to 16 hours every day, sleeping.
Our brain functions even while we sleep. At that time, ituses some neuronal connections that are not and can’t be used during the day. Italso needs this time of the day to sort out our emotions, decisions and social interactions.Sleeping also enables the brain to fight against the effects of stress or UV raysand strengthen the defense mechanisms of the body. Human organism is designedto conserve the energy over night and provide it when needed to combat against infectionsand diseases.
Whether it is sleep apnea or insomnia that prevents you tosleep well, it always has negative influence on normal everyday life and itsquality. Human nervous system needs sleep or you will become drowsy and sleepyduring the day and lack concentration. Memory is next to be affected by thelack of sleep. Sleep deprivation may also cause some more serious problems,such as mood swings or hallucinations. The same thing function vice versa, sopeople suffering from various mental disorders or physical diseases may also besleep deprived. It is not rare to see depressive or schizophrenic patientsexperiencing insomnia. Head injuries, strokes and cancer may also lead to lackof sleep and cause further troubles.
Beat Insomnia
It is hard when you can’t sleep, but you have to solve thatproblem. So, for that reason, always go to bed only if you are sleepy and you won’tstay awake lying in bed for hours. If you are awake, get up. There is nothingyou can do but to perform some tedious and boring task to fool your brain andmake it want some sleep. About 30 minutes of anything very boring will provokesleep.
Try to go to bed and get up approximately at the same timeevery day, to make your sleeping cycle constant. Sleeping rituals, such as readingbefore going to bed, a glass of warm milk, warm bath or relaxation exercisesare welcomed, because they could help you fall asleep. Listening to somerelaxing music in the dark might also help.
Don’t exercise before going to bed, rather choose morning orafternoon, if you don’t want to ruin your sleeping. Napping during the day isalso bad idea, because you won’t feel tired enough to sleep later. Alcohol,nicotine and caffeine may cause even more problems, so avoid them at leastseveral hours before bedtime.
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