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The healthiest way to lose weight is to control your calorieintake. Balanced diet can provide us enough calories and can maintain ourhealth. People consuming low caloriefood tend to get hungry more often than those eating high calorie nourishments.Still there are some foods that are low in calories but can make us feel fullfor a long period of time during the day. This means that we can feel satisfiedafter eating them, and still, our body is getting smaller amounts of caloriesthan usual. In this article, we willtry to explain properties of some of these nourishments.


Green leafy vegetables are rich in fiber and water, and thesetwo compounds can give you that filling effect. Other low calorie vegetablesare winter and butternut squash, broccoli, beans, carrots and cauliflower.


Almost all sorts of fruits are considered as low caloriefoods. Such fruits as apple, strawberries, blueberries, oranges, etc. are richin vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This means that, not only that fruits can keep you feel full during the day, but they also keep you healthy.

Pulses and Legumes

Pulses and Legumes are nourishments that have a high levelof protein, low level of carbohydrates and low level of calories. That meansthat they are foods that can help you feel full and also energized during theday, and, in the same time, keep your weight steady.

Whole Grains

As it is said, fibers are useful compounds of food that make you feel full for a longer period of time. Whole grains are plants that are rich infibers and that is the reason why they are a must for all low calorie diets.So, it would be a smart idea to include barley, oatmeal, maize, brown rise,etc. in your weight loss diet. In addition, they will keep your digestivesystem healthy.

Other Food Items

Other foods that can make you feel full during the day are:eggs, salmon, tuna, chicken, turkey, red meat, etc. Of course, if you eat meat,you need to cut off the fattening parts. Baked or grilled dishes contain fewercalories than those prepared in oil. You can also include low fat dairyproducts in your low calorie diet.

Keep previously mentioned low calorie nourishments in mindwhile planning your daily diet. There are enough alternatives so you can planyour diet according to your preferences. In addition, include simple exercisesif you want to lose your weight in a healthy way.

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