A Simple, Yet Effective Exercise
Many people who are into exercising regularly desire to tone all of their muscles. However, finding a proper exercise for your lower back and gluteal muscles is not easy. Thus often, even though they exercise regularly, some women do not manage to have these muscles in the good shape while men tend to suffer from lower back pain for the same reason. However, this does not necessarily have to be so, since there is an exercise which, among other muscles, takes care of your lower back and gluteal ones as well. This exercise is the donkey kick. It will form your behind and make it firm, while toning all your lower back muscles perfectly. Moreover, it is easy and quick to perform and it engages your legs, arms, buttocks and back all at once.
Donkey Kick Exercises
First, you need to know how to perform donkey kicks with your legs straight. Your initial position will involve you getting on all fours, as if you are about to do push-ups. Then, bend one knee while straightening the other leg completely. Afterwards, raise the straightened leg as high as you can, while providing it support with the other leg. As you swing your leg, push yourself off the ground, as if you are going to make a hand stand. Upon reaching the ground with your supporting leg, lower the other one slowly, returning into the initial position. Repeat 10 kicks with each leg and do 3 sets.
Another variant of the donkey kick exercise involves you standing on your hands and knees on the floor. Then, while keeping your knees together and your arms at a shoulder length, raise one bent leg up as much as you can, hold it there for several seconds, and then return it to the initial position. Once doing 10 kicks like this, switch the leg and do the same amount. Repeat this whole procedure in 3 sets.
Finally, you might perform donkey kicks by using a stability ball as well. Here, your initial position will involve you placing the ball under your stomach, leaning in front and placing your hands on the floor. Once you have done this, bend one leg, keeping in mind that your lower body is raised on the ball, and perform a kick straightening the leg, making it parallel with your hips, without pointing your foot. When done, return to the initial position. Repeat this 10 times with each leg with 5 repetitions.
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