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Depression, or the feeling of beingdepressed, is not, as many people think, a short-lasting state ofbeing sad or unfulfilled. Depression can give way to many mentalillnesses as well as disorders of the psyche. One of those is thebipolar disorder, where one needs all the help he or she can get inorder to fight this state of mind. First of all, in order to be ableto help a person suffering from it, one must know how to recognizethis disorder in a person by paying attention to the behavioralchanges.

The first clue is energy loss. A personsuffering from bipolar disorder will have ever-decreasing amount ofstrength and energy needed to cope with everyday situations such aswork, exercising, socializing etc. Timespan of leisure time willdecrease as well as time when the person is able to concentrate andbe productive, cheerful and positive. This lack of life energy actsas a first step of bipolar disorder onto an individual's territory.

Fatigue takes the next step. Thedepressed person is tired most of the time, even after a wholenight's sleep. It is visible that all of his or hers actions are morenumb and lack resolve as well as strength.

Following fatigue, comes lethargy.Lethargic are those people who act drowsy most of the time,uninterested in the world around them. These people choose not to actover 90% of things that normal people usually do, let alonecontribute to these actions. The depressed person prefers solitary“dysfunction” embodied through peaceful and lifeless sitting in achair doing absolutely nothing but breathing.

Sleeping disorders go hand in hand withbipolar depression. Depressed people either sleep to much or hardlyever sleep. What is in common with the previously mentioned extremesis that they both do not bring any rest to the person suffering.Fatigue and lethargy prevail regardless of countless hours spent inbed or numerous sleepless nights. However, although insomnia may beconnected with other health issues, oversleeping is a most commonsymptom of depression.

Finally, social issues take place.Depressed people most often reduce their socializing as well as theiroccupation with the things they were previously fond of andinterested in such as hobbies and/or sports. Rather than going out,or doing something you really love, you feel powerless and reluctantand choose solitary nonsense experienced through pointless spendingof your time alone.

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