Tea is one of the oldest beverages, always connected with well-being,restoration, and regeneration. There are those who believe tea issomething like a medicament - it is to be consumed only when you aresick - and those who will enjoy it anytime. Let's see why a cup oftea is always a good idea.
Tea and diet
Tea has no calories(assumed it is not sweetened and has no added milk or cream). Howmany calories are contained in a dose of some other sip-alongbeverage? Just 250 calories less every day and one week later youmight be one pound lighter. Tea also boosts metabolism, green tea inparticular. All this contributes to easier loss of weight (though youcan hardly rely on tea alone to make you slim).
Caffeine issues
Tea is rich withantioxidants, which help to keep many sorts of metabolic waste (whichis, like any other type of waste, neither helpful nor useful) at bay.It also has less caffeine than coffee - typical cup of tea containsonly 30 to 40 mg, wherein a typical cup of coffee contains as much as135 mg of caffeine. Too much caffeine bothers the heart, and cancause indigestion and headaches - and is on the bad side of a goodsleep. If you have experienced these problems, try tea instead. Itshould also be noted that caffeine present in tea (and coffee andother caffeine containing beverages) does not cause dehydrationproblems as long as you don't push it past six drinks a day. Thereare decaffeinated teas on the market, but decaf process may removesome beneficial substances as well.
Drinking tea also greatlyreduces risks of stroke and heart attack, by affecting clots formedin your bloodstream from blood platelets or cholesterol. Recentstudies show that risk reduction in regular tea drinkers goes as faras 70% in comparison to non-drinkers.Another study showed thatregular tea-drinkers had far stronger bones than people who do notdrink tea, and various factors such as age, body weight and level ofexercise that may bias the result were taken into account. Reason forthis is yet to be determined, but it is believed to be effect ofvarious phytochemicals. That mentioned, fluoride and tannins found intea help fight plaque, as long as the tea is unsweetened.It is also known thatregular drinking of tea boosts the organism's immune system andprotects against cancer in a certain measure, as tea contains varioussubstances known to have anti-cancer effects.
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