Pu-erh Tea
Pu-erh tea is a special variety ofCamelia sinensis (the tea plant) with large leaves. This is the same plant usedfor green or black tea, but it comes from Pu’er county in China and thus thename. The tea is also known as Pu'er, Puer or Bolay tea.
Usually, pu-erh tea is left toripen, and that sort of aged tea is known as shu pu-erh tea. Aging processtakes literally years. The best pu-erh teas are sold much like fines vines,according to the year and place of origin and are 10 to 50 years old, and someeven much older.
Pu-erh tea’s active component iscaffeine. This substance is known to stimulate the central nervous system (CNSor brain), the heart and muscles. It is proven that this tea containsantioxidants and other active ingredients, helping to protect the heart andblood vessels.
Side Effects
People with heart problems, anxiety,glaucoma, bleeding disorders or osteroporosis should not take this tea.
Pu-erh tea in high quantities (5 ormore cups a day) might cause the same effects as too much coffee. Caffeine fromthe tea (or coffee) might lead to headache, sleeping problems, confusion,irritability, nervousness, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and sometimeseven seizures. It could also affect the heart, causing heartbeat irregularities andheartburn.
Pu-erh tea can be used by pregnantwomen, but in smaller amounts (less than 3 cups per day). More than that it might harm the baby, causepremature birth or low baby weight.
Children might also use this tea, insmall doses.
Caution - Possible Interactions
This tea is known to interact withmany medications, causing serious side effects. These combinations might leadto over-stimulation of nervous system, increased heart rate, hypertension andsevere headaches. Because of that fact, do not drink this tea if you are using:
Amphetamines and other stimulant drugsIn some cases, it is not advised todrink pu-erh tea with certain medications, for it may cause or worsen theexisting side effects. The list of those medications includes: Adenosine (Adenocard), Anti-platelet, anti-coagulant medication and non-narcotic pain killers (NSAID) that slow the blood clotting, Quinolone antibiotics, like Ciprofloxacin, enoxacin, norfloxacin, sparfloxacin, trovafloxacin or grepafloxacin.
Alcohol and other substancesBe careful if you use pu-erh teawith alcohol, anti-diabetics, contraceptive pills, fluconazole (Diflucan),mexiletine (Mexitil) and terbinafine (Lamisil). Combination of pu-erh tea and these substancesmight lead to minor health issues.
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