Theoccurrence of skin of darker shades falls into the group of those more common conditions, under the influence of which many people tend to fall. One of the most common reasons for the occurrence of this is the fact that a person disregards the neck area while washing other parts of the body. This is also due to the fact that all the washing routines with which we treat our face often miss our neck and the neck area. And because of this, there is no dead skin cells exfoliation on this part of the body. Also, there occurs the piling up of sweat and dirt, giving our neck darker outlook. Another common culprit for the darkening of the neck skin is, of course, sun exposure and specifically in the case when a person forgets to apply sun screen on the neck. Next in line of common culprits is the building up of the greater amounts of fat, which causes the appearance of a double chin, and consequently, darker skin covering the neck. However, this is not one of those conditions that require a person to worry about it constantly and incessantly. All you have to do is be more responsible when it comes to your hygiene. This means a person should at all times make sure that the neck area is spick and span, as well as moist, in order to avoid the piling up of dirt and other unpleasant substances from the surrounding environment. In case you notice the presence of rings, flakes and itching spots, as well as irritation and redness, you should not hesitate in paying a visit to your dermatologist as soon as possible. He/she will then determine what is the most proper treatment technique that you should employ.
MostCommon Culprits
Whenit comes to the causers of this particular skin condition, dermatologists have singled out a couple of those that are regarded as the most frequently occurring ones. Those are the following:
Acanthosis Nigricans is a condition that is recognized by the occurrence of thick, dark and velvety skin patches on the neck and the surrounding area. The condition in question is also frequently accompanied by rise in the levels of insulin – obesity and type 2 diabetes.Hormon al Imbalance is in some cases responsible for the addition al production of melanin, which is a pigment responsible for making our skin darker in color. Present are also hyperpigmentation and patches extremely dark in color.Among other most frequent culprits are also eczema, various fungal infections andsunburns.Treatment
Thebest way to avoid this condition is to give your best at keeping your hygiene on a high level, as well as to apply regularly skin moisturizers, cleansing solutions and toners.
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