Beige marks on the legs
As with every inch of the skin, skin on the legs also contains pigments which make the skin the color that it has, instead of being whitish. This pigment that gives color is known under the name of melanin. This coloring matter in the skin is important because skin is affected by sunrays, and therefore it needs to be kept safe. People whose skin is of light color have significantly less of the mentioned pigment than those who have darker skin. It is not just a matter or esthetics – if you have darker skin, it means that it is far less susceptible to the hazardous effects of ultraviolet sun rays.
Fair skinned individuals are, unfortunately, more likely to experience problems with skin when exposed to sunlight for a significant amount of time. On the repertoire of the problems that may spring up are also brown patches of skin. Be that as it may, this problem is not restricted only to people with light skin color. It can happen to “darker” individuals, but less frequently, granted. The incidence of this condition is increased after people reach the age of forty. The creation of brown spots on the legs can be provoked by various factors. Luckily, there are successful ways of treating this condition, owing to the contemporarymedicine.
Culprits for brown dotted legs
As we have said before, there are various reasons that can be held responsible for the emergence of brown stains of the legs. Among the most frequent reasons is the age of the person. Brown marks seem to be one of the things that go naturally with the age. As a person grows older, their bodies tend to create more of the pigment called melanin. These marks on the skin are usually totally harmless, and can only be regarded as a problem from the point of view of esthetics. And what is more, this type of brown stains is something that requires no medicalattention.
Sometimes, the brown spots occur in the young, and it is most typically induced by exposure to sunlight. The sun’s ultraviolet component is to blame for any damage that sunlight can induce on the skin. When we are overly exposed to the sun, our bodies need to create more melanin in the skin in order to protect themselves. Pay attention to these marks, and make sure to consult your doctor in case these spots become big and won’t seem to go away.
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