Cleansing facts
It is certainly a fact that products used for colon cleansing managed to take over the market by storm and become the most sought after products when it comes to weight loss. Such products are employed in order to bereave the body of all the harmful toxins that are known to form in excess inside the colon, where they can induce quite a number of unwanted health issues. Once cleansed, colon gives way to an improved absorption of nutrients and boosts the functioning of the person’s immune system to a huge extent.
The cleansers in question are available in either synthetic or natural form. And exactly out of this reason, a greatest majority of people opts for the natural ones, without paying much of attention to the ingredients these are comprised of. This is, of course, quite enough for a vast number of people, and the natural cleansers are in no way a scam. They have the ability to increase the movements in the person’s bowel immensely. But one thing that these do not reveal to the users is potential harmful side effects their constituents might cause, if used in the longer run. The fact is that a great number of cleansers actually do have in them constituents that can potentially cause a number of unwanted effects and harm one’s overall health. Among those most notorious are such ingredients as herbs Cascara Sagrada, Senna and Psyllium.
Cascara Sagrada – is a part of prescription, but also over-the-counter laxatives and is the one and the most important constituent that brings about the rapid bowel movement. It is true that these are not that harmful when consumed in smaller amounts; consuming them according to the rules of the colon cleansing agents can bring about quite a range of various health conditions like hepatitis, damage of the liver, pain in the abdomen, colon lesions and rectal bleeding.Senna – is yet another frequently found constituent in laxatives. Given its strength, it should be consumed only if the need for such a thing is extremely great, for in case it is taken on a regular basis, it can induce fluid and electrolyte imbalance – this can even prove to be fatal in the long run.Psyllium – is a fiber and performs the function of a colon sweeper. Intake of Psyllium can bring about unwanted issues in excretory and also digestive systems. As it takes in more and more water, Psyllium has the tendency to expand further, and unless taken with the proper amount of water, it can plug the digestive tract completely.
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