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It is very important to have properly functioning intestines as they are the foundation of good overall health and the feeling of well being. Various toxic substances may get clogged inside the intestines and that may lead to nutritional deficiency and various medical conditions. Natural laxatives help the intestine in getting rid of all the digested residue, cleanse the entire digestive tract, raise the levels of energy, and aid the process of digestion and the absorption of nutrients from the food items.

Benefits of Natural Laxatives

Natural laxatives are very efficient in relieving constipation and cleansing and strengthening the colon. Natural laxative do not cause physical dependency, they do not irritate the intestine and they are completely safe to use. Chemical laxatives may sometimes lead to a medical condition known as the cathartic colon which is not the case with natural laxatives. Natural laxatives do not trigger any side effects such as diarrhea or stomach cramps and they also do not cause weight gain which is often the case with chemical laxatives. Chemical laxatives also require gradual increase of the dosage.

Natural laxatives are very helpful in the treatment of constipation triggered by numerous different factors. Certain lifestyle changes may also be of great help in some cases. One should not eat unless he or she feels hunger. Consuming plenty of water is also very healthy. Sleeping during the day and suppression of eliminative urge should be avoided. Relaxation, meditation and regular exercising may also be of great help when it comes to proper functioning of the digestive tract.

Food Sources

Food items which are the best natural laxatives include green salads, ghee, castor oil, vegetables, fruits, milk, unpolished rice, whole grain bread and various types of spices such as asafetida, fennel, cayenne pepper, turmeric, coriander, cumin, black pepper and ginger. One may also prepare some fresh juice and use it as a very effective natural laxative. These juices should be consumed either in the morning or just beforebedtime. Pear, lemon, apple, asparagus, orange, spinach, prune and carrot can all be used for the preparation. Other ingredients may include water, olive oil and apple cider vinegar. Certain herbal remedies can also be used for the treatment of constipation. Those include rhubarb, alfalfa, Senna pods, aloe gel, psyllium seeds and husks, buckthorn bark, guar gum, cassia pulp, dandelion leaves, cascara sagrada and castor oil. One may als use and Ayurvedic herb called Triphala which consists of Bhibitaka, Haritaki and Amalaki.

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