Cystic Acne
Cystic acne can be a great problem in your life, but the treatment of this problem can be very simple. Teenagers mostly suffer from this problem, but it can appear among any age group. Most people are really unsure about the steps that need to be taken so that cystic acne disappear, and in these cases, a professional should be visited. Cystic acne is one of the most serious types of acne. They have a cyst on the skin surface and this is the reason why they are also called modular acne.

Scarring is a complication that can develop if the treatment of cystic acne is not conducted and this is not advised. Nobody wants to have a permanent mark left on the skin, but this is exactly what will happen if you do not treat cystic acne. Cystic acne and acne in general can be very annoying and problematic and it usually shows its face when we reach adolescent period of our lives. The situation will leave you with visible skin issue, but your confidence and mental state will be imbalanced as well.
Swollen pustules are what the term acne refers to. They appear on the skin because of the infection located at the same spot where acne is created. Cystic acne causes most painful and annoying outbursts, which are maybe even the worst when all acne types are concerned.
Treatment and Causes
Treatment of this problem may require a lot of time and this may make the things even worse. The treatment will have to be conducted timely, but if this is not done, the pain will be experienced and aggravated. Pus is located in the swollen cystic acne and it is responsible for their red color. These painful pustules can be seen due to the gathered pus. The main culprit for the development of the acne is still unknown, but most scientists think that the main causes are hormonal changes during the adolescent period.
Causes of the cystic acne can be various, and it is something that is different from case to case. Imbalances in the body and hormonal changes are also considered to be the cause of cystic acne, but there are others as well, like dirt, grease and dust located on the skin's surface. This causes the blockage of the pores and this is maybe the most common cause of the cystic acne.
Cystic acne is a problem that many scientists are working on. They can appear at any point of your life. Teenagers mostly suffer from this problem, but adults can be affected as well, although in these cases, they are called adult acne, which are most common among postnatal women. During these periods, women experience hormonal changes, which is the reason why acne outbursts occur. Also, the cause of the cystic acne may be hereditary, according to some scientists.
- Photo courtesy of SteadyHealth
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