Cystic Acne - Introduction
Cystic acne is only one type of the acne. Actually, it is a severe form of this skin disease. Apart from being very unsightly these skin changes are rather difficult to treat.
Cystic acne are the harshest and definitely the most painful form of acne. The pain is sometimes unbearable. This disease occurs in a form of cysts and swollen pus filled red pustules. They are visible and considered major cosmetic problem. Cystic acne may occur in combination of nodular acne and this condition is known as nodulocystic acne.
The problem with cystic acne is that it usually causes skin scars and if not treated properly there is a high chance of the recurrence of the disease. Unfortunately, in some patients there is no permanent cure but there is a chance of swelling and scars to be reduced. The person suffering from cystic acne must be aware of the fact that squeezing of acne will only cause more pain and worsen the inflammation.
Formation of Cystic Acne
Cystic acne develops from simple acne. Sebaceous glands are in charge with production of sebum. In case of acne this production is increased and skin pores become blocked with excess of sebum and improper shedding of the skin cells. The excess of sebum induces the multiplication of the P acne bacterium inside the skin and the simple acne develops. It is good if person starts adult acne treatment at this stage since if properly treated simple acne does not have to progress to cystic form of the disease.
If left untreated the bacteria crack the walls of hair follicles and enter the dermis. Further progression of bacteria affects underlying follicles and once the follicles are intruded by bacteria characteristic nodules or cyst form.
Causes of Cystic Acne
It is highly likely that a person will suffer form cystic acne if some of his/ her family members also suffere from this condition.Cystic acne predominantly affects adolescents. Adolescence is a period of life during which production of androgens reaches its peak. Excess of androgens causes excess of sebum, a predisposing factor for acne. Once the acne has occurred the condition may be aggravated by certain factors and simple acne may turn to cystic form of the disease.
Treatment for Cystic Acne
Cystic acne represent a serious and complex medical condition and this is why they are supposed to be treated by a well experienced doctor. The treatment may last longer than in case of simple acne and the results are not achieved instantly. What is more, even search for proper medication and treatment modality may be time-consuming. Some medications have certain side effects and even this may somehow make patients feel depressed. However, they should not give up and continue fighting this horrible disease.
Moderate cystic acne is usually treated with benzoyl peroxide. This substance is not given to patients whose skin is already dry. Severe from of the disease is usually treated with isotretionoin. Isotretinoin has many side effects, it is not given to pregnant women and is discontinued if any of the serious side effects occurs.
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