What is nodular acne and how can they be recognized?
Nodular acne is a skin disorder characterized primarily by large red lumps that appear on the skin and that are very painful. These lumps are actually swollen lesions that are filled with pus and very often, they transform into cysts, which is why they are called cystic acne. Besides the fact that they are bothersome and that they may last for months, they tend to leave deep scars. There are various forms of acne and infection is what usually causes them, but the infection of nodular acne is a lot more serious, because deeper layers of the skin are affected as well. This condition occurs when the oil glands are blocked for some reason, usually because of the excess of sebum production, which results in inflammation and swelling of the surrounding area. This overproduction of sebum may be caused by hormonal changes, or it may be a side effect of some medication. Cosmetics or skin care products that are not appropriate for a particular skin type may also result in nodular acne.
How can nodular acne be treated?
Nodular acne is a condition that requires a bit more aggressive treatment than the common adult acne treatment. It is highly recommended to visit a dermatologist in such case and to follow the advice given by a professional.
Isotretinoin, which is also known as Accutane, is frequently used in the treatment of nodular acne, and it helps in reduction of sebum production. The treatment may even last for 6 months in some cases, but it depends on the severity. Laser therapy is a very effective method, which provides visible results practically right after the procedure. The laser is responsible for reduction of oil production of the sebaceous glands, and for stopping the infection. On the other side, it can significantly reduce the scars, which are usually inevitable when nodular acne occur. Antibiotics may also be suggested by some dermatologists, and they also show very good results in a short time. However, possible side effects may be serious gastrointestinal problems, particularly in cases when antibiotics are used for a longer period of time. The therapy with cortisone solution is also an option, though a rather expensive one and the solution will be injected right into the lesions. However, this kind of therapy has to be repeated several times in order to give results.
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