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Acne is a skin disorder that occurs as a consequence of an infection and develops in a form of swollen pustules. Cystic acne are the most severe type of acne. They occur due to inflammation and deep skin infection. The condition is rather unsightly and represent major aesthetic problem. Apart from that cystic acne are very painful. The affected area is covered with cysts and swollen pus filled red pustules.

What Causes Cystic Acne?

Experts believe there are many factors that contribute to the condition. The condition in general affects teenagers and may also cause problems in adults (adult acne). If the condition develops later in life it most commonly affects women soon after pregnancy and is caused by constant high fluctuation of hormones.

The main cause of cystic acne is excessive production of sebum (a lubricating substance produced by the sebaceous glands of the skin) and remnant dirt and bacteria that clog the skin pores. Improper elimination of dirt may be associated with hormonal changes and hormonal imbalance. Abnormal hormonal fluctuation is characteristic for puberty. The sebaceous glands are stimulated to produce high amounts of sebum and if the substance is not properly eliminated, it clogs the skin pores. Further accumulation of sebum leads to inflammation and the problem becomes even more serious once the specific bacteria start to multiply in the affected area.

Clogging of skin pores may also develop due to improper cleansing. Namely, excess of oil, sweat, dirt and different bacteria on the surface of the skin may eventually plug into the skin pores and block drainage. Cystic acne also affect more people with a family history of the condition. And finally, some scientist believe that in some cases cystic acne may be connected with food allergies or sensitivity to certain food products. The Effects of Cystic Acne and Treatment

There is a connection between cystic acne and serious damage and destruction of skin tissues. This is why many people suffering from the condition develop scars. Picking into the skin and attempting to pop cysts make the problem even worse. This is why the treatment must be aggressive and only this way the severity of scarring can be partially limited. People suffering from cystic acne feel embarrassed and they are usually angry due to aesthetic disturbance acne cause. They may have low self-esteem or even become depressed.

Treatment for cystic acne includes several options such as oral antibiotics, isotretinoin, oral contraceptives (for women), surgical incision and drainage and intralesional corticosteroid injections.

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