Acne is for many, at the very least, annoying problem. Acne comes in different forms and they range from mild to severe. They often leave scarring, sometimes permanently. Acne develops due to increased production of sebum and can be caused by heredity factors, hormonal disorders, stress, specific foods, intake of certain medications and some cosmetic products. In order to choose an effective treatment you must know which acne type you are suffering from. Let’s read about the different types of acne.
Acne TypesCystic AcneCystic acne is a severe type of acne featured by painful, pus filled red pustules. Scarring is very common with cystic acne. Cystic acne is most commonly caused by hormonal changes or imbalance. Squeezing cystic acne leads to spreading of infection and may result in permanent scar.
Acne Conglobata
Acne conglobata is another severe form of acne, commonly seen in males. Acne conglobata may appear on the face, chest, upper arms, thighs and back. This form of acne is marked with interconnected inflammatory lesions that eventually burst and discharge pus. The cause of acne conglobata is unknown and this acne type is sometimes resistant to treatment.
Acne Vulgaris
Acne vulgaris is the most common form of acne featured by blackheads, whiteheads, pustules, papules and painful nodules. Hormonal fluctuations are the leading cause of acne vulgaris. Thereby, this acne type mostly affects teenagers. Acne vulgaris can be managed with sulfur or laser treatment.
Blackheads are non-inflammatory form of acne, featured by wide opening of follicle filled with dead skin cells, sebum and bacteria. Blackheads appear like little yellowish or blackish bumps embedded into the skin pores. This type of acne is also known as open comedones.
Whiteheads are somewhat similar to blackheads, but whiteheads result from completely blocked pore thus they are also called closed comedones. Whiteheads develop when sebum, skin debris and bacteria clog the pore and result in tiny, white and raised bumps.
Nodular AcneThis acne type manifests in large, hard and painful lumps underneath the skin. It may take several months before they resolve. Nodular acne often leads to destruction of tissue and causes scarring. It is a severe form of acne that can be treated with cortisone injection directly into the lesion to reduce swelling and prevent scarring.
Papules come with inflamed, red or pink bumps on the skin, without head. This is a mild form of acne that quickly resolves and rarely produces scarring. However, picking and squeezing can lead to aggravation and increase the risk of scarring. Papules can be prevented with benzoyl peroxide.
This acne type is featured by inflamed red bumps with white head. Pustules are pus-filled lesions that seldom leave scars, but it is better to refrain touching them anyway. Pustules can be treated with benzoyl peroxide.
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