Problematic, Cracked Feet
Even though we tend to think that ourfeet are not an important part of our aesthetic appeal, we still needto take good care of them. Namely, standing for too long, or spendingmost of our daily time with shoes on, combined with a lack of properfoot care can easily lead to cracked heels on our feet, a situationwhich can prove to be quite uncomfortable and unsightly. Therefore,we need to be careful and avoid neglecting our feet, since thisignorance may turn back on us soon enough, giving birth to numerousfeet problems we will have to deal with.
What Causes Cracked Heels?
Apart from the causes mentioned above,there are several other factors which might contribute to thedeterioration of the health of our heels. Namely, some kind of asweat gland disorder may cause our feet to sweat less, becoming dryand triggering the creation of fissures on this skin surface.Eventually, this causes our heels to develop cracks which then evolveinto all other problems.
Furthermore, obesity can be a problemhere, since your extra weight may be too much for your heels, causingdamage to the sweat glands, again leading to dryness and so on.
Additionally, athlete's foot,hypothyroidism, diabetes, psoriasis, dermatitis and many others allcan be responsible for your heel problems. Still, of all these,diabetes and obesity are the most common culprits. Nevertheless, youshould pay your doctor a visit when you start experiencing feetproblems for a longer period of time and fail at treating your drycracked heels.
Still, there are some other causeswhich need to be mentioned. For example, cold or dry weather may makeyour heels go dry more easily. Also, wearing sandals and other openfootwear for a long time can make your heels excessively exposed tothe outside factors, making them dry and susceptible to cracking.
Symptoms and Treatment
The symptoms are quite straightforward,manifesting through the hardening of the heels and the appearance ofsmall, scaly patches of skin accompanied with fissures. Discolorationof the affected skin surface may be present as well.
As for the treatment, there are manydifferent over-the-counter topical creams, lotions and other productswhich can provide your feet moisture and protection, dealing with thecracked heels problem of yours.
Alternatively, you might soak your feetin lemon juice for about 10 minutes each day, until positive changesstart to appear. Also, applying banana pulp onto the cracked surfacemay prove to be of great assistance.
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