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In this text, we willtalk about a condition which affects the prostate. The name of this conditionis being prostatic hyperplasia, and it is commonly found in male populationolder than sixty years. When urine is extracted, it passes through the urethra.This prostate is located beneath the bladder, which is surrounded by thementioned urethra. Prostate is a gland and its function is to produce seminalfluid, which creates the semen when combined with sperm. When men arrives in certain age, the prostate starts to grow. Normally, the gland is approximately ofthe size of a chestnut, but it can get much bigger and cause great problems.Growth of the gland will make pressure on the urethra and produce problems withthe flow of the urine through the urethra. This problem is being, which isevident from the name of the condition. It is also very common in older men,because every third person older than 70 suffers from this condition. Theproblems of patients with this disease include and needs for the frequent urinating,especially during the night, urinary stream problems, emotion of bladder whichis not emptied, inability to restrain from urinating and experiencing of burningemotion while urinating. Pain can also be experienced while urinating. Thiscondition causes very diverse problems.

Not all men suffer from thesame problems and not all the problems are of the same intensity. Several otherconditions produce similar effect, so always visit the doctor for properdiagnose. Some complications of this condition are possible. They includereoccurring infection of the bladder, bladder stones, inability to urinate andproblems with emptying the bladder. Inability to urinate is known inprofessional circles by the name acute retention. It can be very serious andimmediate medical attention is needed. Only few patients will suffer from thisvery painful condition, which can induce kidney damage. Now we will talk aboutthe means to reacha proper diagnosis. This of course will not be performedby a patient, but by a doctor. When you see a doctor, he will ask severalquestions about your medical history and you may be asked to fill out a certainquestioner. This will help the doctor to get a good insight into your conditionand the problems you are experiencing. The examination of the rectum is seldomperformed, but some doctors may do this kind of examination. Naturally, theurine will need testing. The test will be connected with your antibioticssensitivity and cultures in urine. In almost every case, the doctor will askyou not recollect on your drinking and urination in the three days prior to thedoctor's visit. Some other methods, such as ultrasound, x-ray and blood test andexamination may be required by the specialist, in order to give a correct diagnosis.

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