Urination is mostly affected by the problems caused by the prostate swelling. In this text, we will see what causes this problems, which are the symptoms associated, and how this condition can be eliminated. The urethra neck is the place where the reproductive gland called prostate is located. It is the size of a chestnut and it can get bigger due to the swelling. This gland manufactures the fluid needed for the reproduction and it is very important for the reproductive system. The fluid in question is seminal fluid. When it becomes swollen, the problem called benign prostatic hyperplasia is created, although it can also be called swollen prostate. This is the most common problem of all prostate gland disorders and conditions.
The gland can became swollen but even today, we do not know for sure what causes this. The cases of prostatic gland swelling are very rare. Some professionals think that once the sexual maturation is reached, the prostate grows. From this, we can conclude that the older we are, the bigger and more swollen the prostate. So, aging can be one of the possible causes. The swelling of the prostate causes pressure on the bladder muscle, which can get weak and produce urinating problems.
It is difficult to detect the problem of prostate swelling since usually there are no symptoms. But some that may be associated with the problem in question are slower urine passing, urine retention, incontinence, strong night urination desire, straining while urinating, frequent urination, unempty bladder sensation, urine dribbling, and problems with starting the urination.
Since no symptoms are usually detected, regular checkups are a way in which the problem may be avoided. The consultation with the doctor is needed if some of the mentioned problems associated with swollen prostate are felt. When you visit a doctor due to this condition, several tests are done in order to diagnose the problem. They are cystoscopy, urine culture examination, urine test and others. You should check the flow and frequency of urination as well. Leading a healthy life and diet is a very good way of preventing the swelling of the prostate and many other conditions. We advise this even if no problems have been detected.
Still, antibiotics and other medications will be needed in some cases in which infection is present. There are many complications, such as kidney stones, incontinence and kidney failure, which can occur if prompt treatment is not conducted. The problem can be avoided but not cured. Regular checkups are advised to older men along with the elimination of alcohol use and smoking. Also, try to include exercises and a healthy diet in your lifestyle.
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