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Many of disorders can influence male sexual functions, among them MS, spinal cord injuries or problems with prostate, the latter being a most common case. The prostate is male reproductive gland, which produce the fluids that carry semen. Prostate gland surrounds the urethra, organ which collects and releases urine from the body. In case that gland gets infected, and grows bigger, pressing the urethra, and therefore causing bladder and urination problems. This state of enlargement or infection is called prostatitis, and it can happen to all man, especially in their older age. Prostate cancer is also relatively common among older male population.

Generally, there are three possible types of prostate disorder; one being a cancer, which is most common place for man to appear, second, which is prevalent non-cancerous prostate enlargement, and tree, benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH.

Real causes for prostatitis are unknown, but there are some indications that link BPH with hormonal changes that show in the men as a consequence of aging. Also there is some indications that testicles has something to do with it; men, who had their testicles removed at younger age, rarely develop BPH. Also, prostatitis rarely develops at men bellow age of 40-, and almost certainly at age 80+.

Symptoms of prostatitis in its acute phase are related with urinating problems, like frequent night urinating, and inability to empty the bladder to the fullest, all the way to sexual dysfunction disorders.

In the process of taking care of your prostate problems, you can try some herbal and nutritional remedies, to help you with that. These remedies can not only relive your symptoms of prostatitis, it can also postpone, delay or totally avoid potential surgical procedure.

The choice of your diet is crucial for prostatitis. If you lean toward animal products or red meat, toxins in it from environment and food they consume will enhance your chances of getting prostate problems. On the other hand, vegetable and fruit diet can have protective effects.

In many herbs and theirs vegetable oil, such as Saw Palmetto herb, Cernitlon, pygeum and stinging nettle you can find nutritional substances needed for your protection against prostatitis. For directions and frequency of use, consult your herbalist.

Lots of milk can also produce prostate problems. Excessive amounts of calcium from any source are proven to be bad for your prostate, by lowering a body production of vitamin D that inhibits prostate cancer.

Fructose rich foods or artificial sweeteners are also food groups to avoid, because they are suspected of producing prostate cancer, as well.

Food like tomato, or tomato based, like ketchup, should help you to avoid prostate cancer, and also extra zinc supplements, as well. In this healthy group are also selenium supplements, soy based products, vitamins E and D, and garlic.

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