Tendonitis is inflammation of the tendons, and it is most often consequence of exceptional physical strain or engaging excessively in sports. Tendons are, together with bones and muscles linked with joints. In cases when you overstretch or overuse it tendons can be damaged or sometimes even crack or brake.
There are several types of tendons injuries; Achilles tendonitis – pain is located in the area of heal, Patellar tendonitis – pain is felt around the knee, Elbow tendonitis – golfer’s elbow called medial epicondylitis, when pain is felt in the inner side of the elbow, or tennis elbow, also called lateral epicondylitis, when pain is felt in the outer side of the elbow and Rotator cuff tendonitis – pain is felt in the shoulder area.
As we said before, most common cause of tendons injury is excessive physical activate of some sort either trough exercise, sports or work. Activities that contribute to elevation of the risk of tendon injury may also be thermal tendon injuries, smoking, trauma, repetitive movements, and some antibiotic drug use, such as levofloxacin. Also pre existing conditions such as diabetes, obesity or rheumatoid arthritis are causes of elevated risk.
Symptoms of tendonitis are pain and inflammation. Other side effects of tendonitis can also be rheumatic arthritis or bursitis (inflammation of bursa sack which is fluid sack placed between bones and tendons and act like a cushion, in order to prevent friction between body parts). Symptoms of tendonitis vary from mild to severe. Amount of pain is suppose related to amount of strain passing through injured tendon, size of muscles that are associated with injured tendon and poor posture or ergonomics inadequate hydration of the fascia, etc.
Once injured, tendons need a very long time to heal, sometimes several months. Recurring injuries of tendons may also postpone full recovery, especially in cases when, as a product of recurring tendon injury calcium deposits are starting to form. Those types of injuries can be very painful, and stiffness and inflammation may follow.
There are several things you can try in order to relieve the inflammation and pain in the tendon. Rest is especially important, and any moving or stretching of injured tendon may only worsen the symptoms. Also, you should choose for yourself good exercise and stretching program after the period of rest, in order for you to prevent future recurrent injuries and heal completely your tendon injury. Physiotherapeutic massage may also be required but not in cases when you have stroke, diabetes or circulatory problems.
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