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The shoulder impingement syndrome isa condition that mainly affects the aging adults who may suffer from just oneshoulder impingement or both. In a normal shoulder structure, the bones thatform the shoulder have a little space between them. Due to certain reasons, thisspace disappears, thus leading to the compressing of the tendons and because of that,shoulder impingement syndrome occurs.

Causes of shoulder impingementsyndrome

It is considered that rotator cufftendonitis is a responsible cause for the incidence of shoulder impingementsyndrome. Rotator cuff goes through the gap between the shoulder bones so thatwhen its tendon is inflamed, it is usually squeezed since there is no space that is needed. As a consequence, the shoulder impingement syndrome occurs. On the other side, the rotator cufftendonitis may be induced by the overuse of the shoulders, heavy weightlifting and aninjury to the shoulder.

Symptoms of shoulder impingement syndrome

The main symptom of this conditionis pain in the top part of the shoulder on the outer side. The pang of pain maybe felt when the person tries to lift the arm over the head and when lowering thearm from that position. It is quite normal that the person also feels pain when trying to put the arm behind the back. Shoulder impingement syndrome shouldbe treated since otherwise, the muscle tearing is verylikely to appear, thus causing rotator cuff tear. Some people may also experience thebiceps muscles rupture in the progressed stage of the shoulder impingementsyndrome.

Treatment for shoulder syndromeimpingement

As we have already mentioned, thisshoulder disorder should be treated in order to avoid further complications. Thereare certain anti-inflammatory drugs that are given to the patient, and they usually have to be aretaken for about two months since the short usage of the medicines just treatsthe symptoms and not the cause. The root of the problem needs to be cured since the symptoms will appear again once the medicines stop working. However, if the medicines are noteffective, then the doctor usually prescribes cortisone-type injection, and thelast option is a surgery if the rotator cuff tear is in question. There are also certain stretching exercisesthat should be performed in a warm shower in order to relieve the discomfortsof shoulder impingement syndrome. However, if the pain in the shoulder is sharpwhen performing these stretching activities, then the exercise should be stopped.

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