Cellulite — an ultimately completely harmless condition that causes dimpled, or pitted, skin — plagues countless people. Some data suggests that more than 70 percent of all women have cellulite, and most of them are not at all happy about it.
Many theories exist about the cause of cellulite, but scientifically, not much is known about its causes. We do know that genetics, hormones, skin type, and body composition play a role. Pregnancy makes cellulite more likely, and gaining weight will not directly lead to cellulite, but it will make any preexisting cellulite much more noticeable.
How to banish cellulite, you ask? Because so many women have it and are desperate to get rid of it, numerous products are on the market that promise to treat cellulite — but not all work. You may be tempted to try anything, from extreme measures such as surgeries, to less invasive options like self-tanners and laser treatments.
You can get cellulite cream as well and avoid unnecessary surgery. Some users report a lot of success with cellulite creams, saying the best cellulite creams worked to make their skin firmer and waist slimmer. Know that these creams are available in lotion and gel form.
The Best Cellulite Creams: Cellulite Treatments That Actually Work?
Retinol and caffeine are the best ingredients for cellulite creams because lead to a firmer, thicker skin that leads to a big reduction in the appearance of cellulite.
Many cellulite creams have other ingredients as well and they are responsible for smoothing the skin and for a reduction in the visibility of stretch marks. Skin toning is done with the help of ingredients such as horse chestnut, green tea, soy, Gingko and PAR Elastyle.
It is best to decide on a cellulite lotion if you have used lotions before and are accustomed to them. Some lotions have a reduced oily effect and you will hardly feel them because they are very light. The skin will absorb gel very fast and it is the best for making the skin tighter.
Your metabolic rate is what determines how fast you will burn fat, and exercises can increase the metabolism as well. Since losing weight and being active goes a long way toward reducing at least the appearance of cellulite, a regular exercise regime and a healthy diet, with a calorie deficit if you are overweight, will also help fight your pitted skin.
The best combination is the use of cellulite cream, proper diet and exercise plan.
Cellulite Ceam: Instructions
Be careful to not expect too much from cellulite creams. Cellulite will never fully disappear and the results will not come as fast as you want. Know that the results will take time, and though the appearance of your skin may improve after using a cream or lotion for a while, your skin will likely return to its former state if you stop using them.
Caffeine is one of the most important ingredients, so look for creams that contain it under "Methylxanthine" label. The effects of the caffeine on the cellulite removal were discovered in 1999, when scientists said that it can burn fat because it promotes the lipolysis process, which basically burns fat located under the skin.
The vitamin A derivate retinol can increase collagen production, so it is good for skin rejuvenation. Retinol will firm the skin and make it look slimmer. Creams can have aminophylline, which breaks down the fat deposits straight in the blood stream. By destroying fat located under the skin, it reduces the waist size and it is very good for dimpled skin as well.
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