Information on Calcium Supplements
Those who suffer from calcium deficiency shoulddefinitely consider taking calcium supplements. Calcium is one of the essential mineralsrequired for numerous different bodily functions and it is also anintegral part of the development of bones, nails and teeth. It is efficient inpreventing certain types of medical conditions such as osteoporosis. Calciumcan also be of great help when it comes to enhancing the process of blood clotting,regulating the heart rate and stimulating the production of hormones. The bestfood sources of calcium include milk and numerous different dairy products,meat and leafy vegetables. Nowadays, there are numerous different types of calciumsupplements available on the market but they can also be affiliated withcertain side effects in some cases.
Side Effects of Calcium Supplements
Most medication overdoses are usually veryharmful for certain aspects of the health of an individual. Calcium supplementsmay be useful in providing the human body with the much needed supplies ofcalcium but they must always be administered according to the prescribeddosage. Calcium supplement overdose may affect the digestive and cardiovascularsystems in the human body. The most common symptom of a calcium supplementoverdose is constipation. It is a medical condition in which the human bodycannot get rid of the accumulated waste and it is commonly accompanied byabdominal pain and abdominal bloating. An overdose can also lead to a medicalcondition known as calcium toxicity. Calcium supplement overdose may also leadto a significant reduction of saliva secretion and a dry mouth. These symptomsmay also sometimes be accompanied by a significantly reduced ability to tasteand difficulty swallowing.
A calcium supplement overdose is also commonlyaffiliated with a loss of appetite triggered by certain symptoms such asstomach ache, vomiting, nausea, indigestion and abdominal bloating. Prolongeduse of calcium supplements may also lead to the formation of kidney stoneswhich are usually affiliated with very painful urinations. Calcium supplementsare also known for interacting with other medications and supplements and quiteoften they may be responsible for reduced absorption of tetracycline and ironinside the human body. Calcium supplement overdose is also usually accompaniedby nausea and frequent vomiting. Other common symptoms of a calcium supplementoverdose may also include belching, stomach pain, coma, confusion, seizures andin some rare cases even sudden death.
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